[Corpora-List] what are the news about the origin of Basque?

Eneko Agirre e.agirre at ehu.es
Sat Mar 27 11:25:02 UTC 2010

Dear Yuri,

you can find information about Basque resources here:


There are several hypothesis about the origin of Basque but none has 
been confirmed.



Yuri Tambovtsev(e)k dio:
> Dear Corpora colleagues, are there any corpora of Basque? what are the 
> news about the origin of Basque? We found it is close to Turkic 
> languages by the phono-typological features. Is it still connected 
> with the Caucasian languages? Looking forward to hearing from you to 
> yutamb at mail.ru <mailto:yutamb at mail.ru> Yours sincerely Yuri Tambovtsev
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