[Corpora-List] IULA/UPF Marie Curie PhD Scholarship in Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Information
iuladocum iuladocum
iuladocum at upf.edu
Fri May 7 08:59:05 UTC 2010
Marie Curie PhD Scholarship
in Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Information
at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Application deadline: 1st. July 2010
Reference: CLARA-IULA
At the Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, IULA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), one PhD level position as Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) will be open for three years, with a planned start date no later than November 1, 2010.
This full-time position involves participation in the EU project Common Language Resources and their Applications (CLARA), which is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network receiving funding from the European Commission’s 7thFramework Programme (http://clara.uib.no/ (http://clara.uib.no/)). Candidates should formulate their PhD research projects in one of the following research theme:
Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Information. This research is related to the mapping of linguistic information to numeric information so that it can be handled quantitatively with the purpose of automatic production of language resources, in particular lexica. It will concentrate in the use and performance of different Machine Learning techniques in order to study the class of learners that better fit specific characteristics of language data: ambiguity, sparse data, zipfian distribution among the most important. We encourage candidates with a strong background on statistics and Machine Learning methods to apply.
The researcher will be integrated in the Research Group on Tecnologies dels Recursos Lingüístics (TRL, Technologies of Language Resources) that is participating in related projects such as PANACEA (http://www.panacea-lr.eu (http://www.panacea-lr.eu/)) and FLARENET (http://www.flarenet.eu (http://www.flarenet.eu/)).
Applicants should have a Master’s degree or equivalent which entitles them to embark on a PhD project in computational linguistics, should be in the first four years (full time equivalent) of their research careers, and should not have obtained a PhD yet at the time of employment.
The fellowship is intended to lead to a Ph.D. degree within the UPF Linguistic Communication and Multilingual Mediation PhD Program and qualify the successful applicant for a career in academic research.
The research fellow must take part in the University’s approved PhD program leading to the degree within a time limit of three years. They will be expected to do research and to partake actively in researcher training courses organised locally and at other CLARA institutions. Applicants need to have a good working knowledge of English, since all CLARA events, as well as dissemination, will be in English.
Applicants must not be Spanish citizens, except if they have legally resided and had their main activity in a non–associated third country for at least three of the last four years immediately prior to their employment. Furthermore, applicants must not have resided or performed their main activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the three year period immediately prior to employment. For further information on conditions, see:
ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/fp7-mga-annex3intramulti_en.pdf (ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/fp7-mga-annex3intramulti_en.pdf).
The salary will be of about EUR 32.279 € year (gross salary) plus travel allowances, following meriting regulations and Marie Curie guidelines (compulsory taxes and contribution to Social Security Spanish program to be deduced). The maximum duration of the contract is 36 months.
The CLARA project is required by the EC to recruit at least 40% women researchers. Women are particularly encouraged to apply. All candidates will be informed personally about the results of his/her application.
The successful applicant will be expected to relocate to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and conform to the regulations that apply to the position. For further information about the available positions and the CLARA project, please contact Prof. Núria Bel, iula at upf.edu (mailto:iula at upf.edu).
For the application, please send the following documents (in pdf) to iula at upf.edu (mailto:iula at upf.edu) before 1st. of July. · A curriculum vitae including the following information:
· Name, place and date of birth, address of residence, sex, and marital status.
· Nationality (or nationalities) and record of residence (countries and periods of residence in those) for the past 3 years.
· List of academic degrees obtained. For each degree, provide the title in the original language and in English, the awarding institution and the official date of awarding. Indicate the degree (or all degrees) formally entitling you to embark on a doctorate, and which degree (or degrees) constitutes a doctorate, if applicable.
· A list of publications.
· A brief list of topics covered in your studies (e.g. a list of courses and the thesis subject), other relevant knowledge and research skills in relevant research areas.
· Description of research experience after Master’s degree, with calculation in full-time equivalents.
· A sample of relevant written work (e.g. research paper or masters thesis in English).
· Copies of all higher education certificates and diplomas, and transcripts of records for exam records (copies of the original documents must be accompanied by a translation into English, Spanish or French if not written in any of these languages).
· Two references and their contact information.
· An outline (max. 5 pages) of the proposed PhD research related to the current application.
· Eligibility Form (download MS word (http://www.iula.upf.edu/breus/noves12uk.doc) o PDF (http://www.iula.upf.edu/breus/noves12_1uk.pdf)). Once filled, the signed form can be sent by surface mail to IULA UPF, REF-CLARA, Roc Boronat 138, 08018 Barcelona, SPAIN, or scanned and sent as a pdf file.
Keep informed at: http://www.iula.upf.edu/breus/noves12uk.htm
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