[Corpora-List] Python Benchmarks Using Lots of Memory

Radim Rehurek xrehurek at aisa.fi.muni.cz
Sat Nov 13 06:08:46 UTC 2010

Hello Carl,

there is a self-contained application of processing the English Wikipedia 
at http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/projekty/gensim/wiki.html . It's written in 
Python; you may be able to find your desired performance scenario in 


> Hello all,
> I'm a computer science PhD student at the University of Dsseldorf
> working on improving the memory behavior (and also performance) of a
> Python implementation [1]. For that reason I am looking for "real-world"
> Python programs that consume a lot of memory when running (around 50MB
> RAM or above) and ideally do a lot of string manipulations. Possible
> examples could be corpus analysis tools like concordances or
> n-gram/collocation analyzers.
> So if you have written such a Python program or script and want to send
> it to me, I would be very grateful (and would treat them confidentially
> if you wish). The benefit for you would be that future Python
> implementations might become optimized for precisely your use case :-).
> Thanks a lot and best wishes,
> Carl Friedrich Bolz
> [1] http://pypy.org
> --
> Carl Friedrich Bolz
> Institut fr Informatik
> Heinrich-Heine-Universitt Dsseldorf
> Universittsstr. 1
> 40225 Dsseldorf
> Germany
> +49 211 8110537

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