[Corpora-List] (no subject)

Mikhail Alexandrov malexandrov at mail.ru
Wed Apr 6 08:24:45 UTC 2011


Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) invites students having appropriate education and skills for to study on Master Program 
Information Processing and Multilingua Communication TICOM 
(The masters Tractament de la Informaci? i la Comunicaci? Multiling?e)

The students will enroll in one out of two itineraries of the masters' program:
a) MULTILINGUAL COMMUNICATION (COMM): teaching/learning of related languages, including intercomprehension between Romance languages, e-learning, information and communication technology for didactic purposes...
b) LANGUAGE PROCESSING (related to the masters Erasmus Mundus IM in NLP & HLT): linguistic formalization for technological applications (machine translation systems, human-machine dialogue systems, speech recognition, etc.); bilingual and multilingual lexicography. 
 The masters counts on the participation of various visiting professors and experts from different institutions and companies. It is an innovative proposal which also offers an opportunity of a placement in companies and different institutions. 
Link[1]: http://pagines.uab.cat/ticom/
The masters Erasmus Mundus International Masters in Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology (IM in NLP & HLT) is aimed at multilingual students who have a strong background in linguistics, mathematics or informatics and who wish to become experts in computational linguistics. 
It is offered jointly by four European universities (Universidade do Algarve, Universit? de Franche-Comt?, Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona and University of Wolverhampton), and is part of the European Excellence program. Students' mobility is mandatory and  results in a multiple degree awarded by the universities of the consortium.
Link: http://mastermundusnlp-hlt.univ-fcomte.fr/

Angels Catena

Angels Catena
Coord. Tercer Cicle
Dpt. FIlologia Francesa i Romanica
Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona
08193 Cerdanyola del Valles
Tel.: +34 93 581 49 02
angels.catena at uab.cat 

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