[Corpora-List] FINAL CfP: Third Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop (JEC2011) 'Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets Translators'
Венцислав Жечев (Ventsislav Zhechev)
contact at ventsislavzhechev.eu
Mon Aug 8 12:14:40 UTC 2011
“Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets Translators”
Third Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop (JEC 2011)
The EuroMatrixPlus Project (http://www.euromatrixplus.eu), the Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL) (http://cngl.ie), the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT, European Commission) (http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation) and Autodesk (http://www.autodesk.ch) are co-organising the Third Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop (JEC 2011), entitled “Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets Translators”.
The JEC 2011 workshop will be hosted by the Directorate General for Translation (DGT) (http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation) in Luxembourg on October 14th, 2011. In keeping with previous JECs, the format of the workshop is highly interactive with research paper presentations, invited talks and a panel discussion.
Recent years have seen a revolution in MT triggered by the emergence of statistical approaches and improvements in translation quality. MT (rule-based, statistical and hybrid) is now available for many languages for free (on the Web) or for a fee and MT technologies are making strong inroads into the corporate localisation and translation industries as well as large public and administrative organisations dealing with multi-lingual content. Open-source MT solutions are competing with proprietary products. Increasing numbers of (professional) translators are post-editing TM/MT output. MT is a reality for internet users accessing and gisting content which is not available in their native language.
At the same time, there has been a degree of disconnect between mainstream academic research and conferences on MT, often (and rightly so) focusing on algorithms to improve translation quality, and many of the important practical issues that need to be addressed to make MT maximally useful in real translation and localisation workflows, with human translators and users in general.
JEC 2011 brings together translators, users, academic and industrial MT researchers and developers to discuss issues that are most important in real world industrial settings and applications involving MT, but currently under-represented in research circles.
Call for Research Papers:
We solicit full research papers with industry, academic and/or user background to highlight real-world issues that need to be tackled by new research and recent advancements that improve translation quality, as well as novel and successful methods for the integration of machine translation with translation memories, localisation workflows, human translators and users. Papers should present clearly identifiable problem statements, research methodologies, measurable outcomes and evaluation. Papers are reviewed anonymously.
Papers should follow the submission guidelines listed on the workshop website (http://web.me.com/emcnglworkshop/JEC2011/Call_for_Papers.html), with the maximum length being 10 pages in A4 format, including references. Please, do not include your name in the paper text and avoid overt self-references to facilitate the blind review process.
If a paper is accepted, at least one author will have to register for JEC 2011 and travel to Luxembourg to present the paper.
Workshop proceedings will be made available in hard-copy by DGT, and will be available for download on the JEC 2011 website. Publication of selected revised and expanded papers from JEC 2010 and JEC 2011 in journal or book form is currently under negotiation.
Topics include but are not limited to:
• Human Factors and MT
• Introducing MT into large organisations
• MT and language technologies for SMEs
• MT/TM in Localisation/Translation and Content Management Workflows
• MT/TM Combinations
• Post-Editing Support for MT
• MT and Monolingual Post-Editing
• Smart Learning from Post-Edits
• Interactive MT
• MT Confidence Scores and Post-Editing Effort
• Training Data for MT: Size, Domain and Quality
• Data Cleanup and Preparation for MT
• Meta-Data Mark-Up/Annotation and MT
• Terminology and MT
• Interoperability and Localisation/Translation Workflows
• Standards and Localisation/Translation Workflows
• MT Evaluation
• Costing/Pricing MT
• MT for Free/for a Fee
• Rule-Based, Statistical and Hybrid MT
• Linguistic resources for MT
• Computing Resources for MT
• MT in the Cloud
• MT and the Crowd
• MT, Games, Video and TV Localisation
• (Machine) Translation in Context
• Social Aspects of (Machine) Translation: Access to Information as a Human Right
Deadlines (all 23:59 GMT -11):
15th August: Submission deadline for papers
12th September: Announcement for submitted papers
30th September: Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers
14th October: Workshop takes place at DGT in Luxembourg
Submission URL: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jec2011
Workshop Chair:
Ventsislav Zhechev (Autodesk)
Workshop Senior PC:
Ventsislav Zhechev (Autodesk)
Andreas Eisele (DGT)
Philipp Koehn (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Josef van Genabith, Declan Groves (CNGL)
Program Committee:
Submitted papers will be reviewed by a joint industry–academia committee.
Industry members: Pedro L. Diez-Orzas (Linguaserve), Tony O’Dowd (Xcelerator), Marc Dymetman (XRCE), Andreas Eisele (DGT of the EC), Daniel Grasmick (Lucy Software), Michael Jellinghaus (EU Parliament), Will Lewis (Microsoft), Yanjun Ma (Baidu), Spyridon Pilos (DGT of the EC), Alexandros Poulis (EU Parliament), Johann Roturier (Symantec), Andy Way (Applied Language Solutions), Zoran Zakic (DGT of the EC), Ventsislav Zhechev (Autodesk)
Academic members: Michael Carl (CBS, Denmark), Jinhua Du (Xi’ian Univ. of Technology), Josef van Genabith (CNGL, EM+), Declan Groves (CNGL), Philipp Koehn (EM+), Philippe Langlais (University of Montreal), Alon Lavie (CMU), Ruslan Mitkov (RIILP, UK), Michel Simard (NCR, Canada), Lucia Specia (RIILP, UK), Eiichiro Sumita (NICT, Japan), John Tinsley (CNGL, PLuTO), Hans Uszkoreit (DFKI, Germany), David Vilar (DFKI, Germany), Martin Volk (UZH, Switzerland)
For inquiries please contact Dr. Ventsislav Zhechev at emcnglworkshop at me.com
For up-to-date information, please visit http://web.me.com/emcnglworkshop/JEC2011
For information about the First Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop, please visit http://www.euromatrixplus.eu/cngl2009
For information about the Second Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop, please visit http://web.me.com/emcnglworkshop/JEC2010
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