[Corpora-List] EAMT-2012 - First Call For Papers
Lucia Specia
lspecia at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 16:04:33 UTC 2011
EAMT 2012 - The 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for
Machine Translation
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Trento, Italy
28-30 May 2012
The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) is pleased to
announce that the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association
for Machine Translation will be held in Trento, Italy, 28-30 May 2012.
The venue of the conference is the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), at
the Center for Scientific and Technological Research.
The EAMT invites everyone interested in machine translation and
translation-related tools and resources to participate in this
conference - developers, researchers, users, professional translators,
managers, marketing experts: anyone who has a stake in the vision of
an information world in which language issues become transparent to
the information consumer. We especially invite users from government
and the translation industry to share their experiences, researchers
to describe the state of the art and demonstrate their cutting-edge
results, researchers and developers looking towards new capabilities,
and visionaries to describe the future.
------------------------------ What is new? ------------------------------
-- EAMT is growing, receiving more and more submissions every year. In
order to keep to the single track format - which makes EAMT events
very inclusive in nature - we are extending the duration of the
conference to from 2 to 2 and a half days.
-- In order to particularly encourage submissions for the users’
track, we have created a new submission type: short papers for
oral/poster presentation: 2-4 pages.
-- In order to encourage participation from developers/industry, we
have introduced a technology showcase, where people can demonstrate
their products. Submissions for this track require just a 1-page
------------------------------ Scope ------------------------------
We expect to receive papers in two categories:
(R) Research papers: Long-paper submissions (8 pages) are invited for
reports of significant research results in any aspect of machine
translation and related areas. Such reports should include a
substantial evaluation component. Contributions are welcome on all
topics in the area of Machine Translation or translation-related
technologies, including:
* MT methodologies and techniques
* Speech translation: speech to text, speech to speech
* Translation aids (translation memory, terminology databases, etc.)
* Translation environments (workflow, support tools, conversion tools
for lexica, etc.)
* Practical MT systems (MT for professionals, MT for multilingual
eCommerce, MT for localization, etc.)
* MT in multilingual public service (eGovernment etc.)
* MT for the web
* MT embedded in other services
* MT evaluation techniques and evaluation results
* Dictionaries and lexica for MT
* Text and speech corpora for MT
* Standards in text and lexicon encoding for MT
* Human factors in MT and user interfaces
* Related multilingual technologies (natural language generation,
information retrieval, text categorization, text summarization,
information extraction, etc.)
Papers should describe original work. They should emphasize completed
work rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state
of completion of the reported results. Where appropriate, concrete
evaluation results should be included.
(U) User studies: Short-paper submissions (2-4 pages) are invited for
reports on users' experiences with MT, in business, government, or
NGOs. Contributions are welcome on:
* Use of MT to provide localization of data-driven, dynamic, or
user-specific information
* Use of MT to reduce localization effort (time, cost)
* Use of MT in collaborative projects and social networking
* Ways in which MT can be used to increase the scope of globalization projects
* Managing change when implementing MT systems. Challenges (IT,
personnel, implementation)
* Integrating MT and computer-assisted translation into a translation
production workflow
* Implementing open- source MT in the corporation: challenges when
taking pilot results into full deployment (support, resources,
infrastructure, advance customisation, system maintenance)
* Evaluation of MT in a real-world setting: metrics
* Post-editing strategies: guidelines/support for translators/LSPs
* Portability of MT systems across languages and domains
Papers should highlight problems and solutions and not merely describe
MT integration process or project settings. For user papers produced
by academics, we require co-authorship with the actual users.
Additionally, we welcome 1-page abstracts on:
(P) Project/Product description: Submissions are invited to report
new, interesting:
* Tools for machine translation, computer aided translation, and the
like (including commercial products and open source software). The
authors should be ready to present the tools in the form of demos or
posters during the conference.
* Research projects related to machine translation. The authors
should be ready to present the projects in the form of posters during
the conference. This follows on from the successful ‘project villages’
held at the last two EAMT conferences.
------------------------------ Programme ------------------------------
The programme will include invited talks, oral presentations and
poster sessions. Accepted long papers may be assigned to an oral or
poster session, but no differentiation will be made in the conference
Important Dates
------------------------------ Important Dates ------------------------------
* 15 February 2012 – SUBMISSION DEADLINE
* 2 Apr 2012 – Notification to authors
* 22 Apr 2012 – Deadline for camera-ready copy
* 22 Apr 2012 – Deadline for early-bird registration
* 28-30 May 2012 – Conference
Please visit the conference web pages (http://eamt2012.fbk.eu/) for
the most up-to-date information about the calendar, the call for
papers and formatting requirements, the programme, invited speakers,
related conference activities, the venue, travel and registration.
------------------------------ Submissions ------------------------------
Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical
strength, significance and relevance to the conference, and potential
interest to all attendees. They should mostly contain new material
that has not been presented at any other meeting with publicly
available proceedings. Papers that are being submitted in parallel to
other conferences or workshops and papers that contain significant
overlap with previously published work must indicate this on the title
EAMT 2012 will use electronic submission through the EasyChair
conference tool. To submit a paper, go to the submission website at:
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2012 and follow the
Papers should be anonymised (no authors, affiliations or addresses,
and no explicit self-reference), be no longer than 8 pages (A4 size)
for research papers, and no longer than 4 pages (A4 size) for user
papers, all in PDF format. Papers must conform to the format defined
by the EAMT templates available at the conference website
(http://eamt2012.fbk.eu/). Project/software descriptions do not need
to be anonymised.
If you encounter any problem regarding submission, please do not
hesitate to contact the programme co-chairs. For all other queries
(e.g. visas, accommodation, payments) please contact the local
------------------------------ Conference Organisers
Conference Chair
Marcello Federico (FBK-irst, Italy)
Programme Co-chairs
Lucia Specia - Research programme chair (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
Andy Way - User programme chair (Applied Language Solutions, UK)
Local Organization Chair
Mauro Cettolo (FBK-irst, Italy)
------------------------------ EAMT Best Thesis Award
The EAMT Best Thesis Award 2012 for PhD theses submitted during 2011
will be awarded at the conference, together with a presentation of the
winner’s work. Information for candidates to the award is available
at: http://www.eamt.org/news/news_best_thesis2011.php. The deadline is
31 December 2011.
------------------------------ Programme Committee
Research track:
Wilker Aziz (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
Nicola Bertoldi (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
Hervé Blanchon (l'Université Pierre Mendès - Grenoble 2, France)
Ondrej Bojar (Charles University, Prague)
Antal van den Bosch (Universiteit van Tilburg, Netherlands)
Bill Byrne (Cambridge University, UK)
Nicola Cancedda (Xerox Research Centre, France)
Michael Carl (IAI Saarbrücken, Germany)
Helena Caseli (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil)
Marta Costa-jussà (Barcelona Media, Spain)
Jinhua Du (Xi'an University of Technology, China)
Marc Dymetman (Xerox Research Centre, France)
Andreas Eisele (European Commission, Luxembourg)
Mikel Forcada (Universitat d'Alacant)
Declan Groves (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Barry Haddow (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Yifan He (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Jie Jiang (Applied Language Solutions, UK)
Patrik Lambert (Universiteé du Maine, France)
Alon Lavie (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA)
Yanjun Ma (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Pavel Pecina (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Sergio Penkale (Applied Language Solutions, UK)
Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz (Universitat d'Alacant, Spain)
Maja Popović (DFKI, Bermany)
Felipe Sánchez-Martínez (Universitat d'Alacant, Spain)
Kepa Sarasola (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain)
Michel Simard (National Research Council, Canada)
Sara Stymne (Linköping University, Sweden)
Jörg Tiedemann (Uppsala University, Sweden)
John Tinsley (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Jun-Ichi Tsujii (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
Vincent Vandeghinste (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
François Yvon (LIMSI/CNRS, France)
User track:
Juan Alberto Alonso (Lucy Software Ibérica, Spain)
Anthony Clarke (CLS Communications AG., Switzerland)
David Clarke (WeLocalize, Ireland)
Heidi Depraetere (Cross Language, Belgium)
Mike Dillinger (Translation Optimization Partners, US)
Ray Flournoy (Adobe Systems, US)
Viggo Hansen (EAMT Executive Committee)
Fred Hollowood (Symantec, Ireland)
Dorothy Kenny (Dublin City University)
Bente Maegaard, CST (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Nelson Ng (Ebay, US)
Sharon O'Brien (Dublin City University)
Sergio Ortiz-Rojas (Prompsit Language Engineering, Spain)
Mirko Plitt (Autodesk, Switzerland)
Gema Ramirez Sanchez (Prompsit Language Engineering, Spain)
Phil Ritchie (VistaTEC, Ireland)
Johann Roturier (Symantec, Ireland)
Reinhard Schaeler (University of Limerick, Ireland)
Dag Schmidtke (Microsoft Ireland, Dublin, Ireland)
Jörg Schütz (Bioloom, Germany)
Svetlana Sheremetyeva (LanA Consulting ApS, Denmark)
Svetlana Sokolova (PROMT, Russia)
Gregor Thurmair (Linguatec, Germany)
Ventsislav Zhechev (Autodesk, Switzerland)
Elia Yuste (PangeaMT)
------------------------------ Questions? ------------------------------
For more details, please visit the conference website: http://eamt2012.fbk.eu/
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