[Corpora-List] Corpora request

prosso at dsic.upv.es prosso at dsic.upv.es
Mon Feb 7 15:11:40 UTC 2011

Def. Quota Alexandra Roshchina <sasharo at itnet.ie>:

> I am Paolo Rosso's postgraduate student.

Apologies: I guess that more than one member of the Corpora-Lista  
though: and so what? :-)

I just suggested Sasha's advisor to tell her to send an email to the  
list asking for information.

To those I already knew and to those that got to know my name because  
of this email, my regards!

Paolo Rosso

> I am doing the research on personality-based recommender systems.  
> Paolo advised me to ask you whether you have a personality annotated  
> corpus (following the Big Five personality model).
> Thank you,
> Sincerely,
> Alexandra Roshchina
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