[Corpora-List] Call for papers : JADT 2012

Anne Dister anne.dister at uclouvain.be
Tue Jul 12 06:54:55 UTC 2011


JADT 2012  -  Statistical Analysis of Textual Data
June 13-15, 2012, Liège, Belgium

Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to announce the call for papers of JADT 2012, 11th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, that will be held in Liege (Belgium), from June 13 to 15, 2012 (organised by the LASLA – Laboratoire d’Analyse statistique des Langues anciennes of the University of Liege and by the SeSLA – Séminaire des Sciences du Langage of the Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, Brussels).

 This biennial conference, which has constantly been gaining importance since its first occurrence in Barcelone (1990), is open to all scholars and researchers working in the field of textual data analysis; ranging from lexicography to the analysis of political discourse, from information retrieval to marketing research, from computational linguistics to sociolinguistics, from text mining to content analysis. After the success of the previous meetings (http://www.cavi.univ-paris3.fr/lexicometrica/jadt/index.htm), the three-day conference in Liège will continue to provide a workshop-style forum through technical paper sessions, invited talks, and panel discussions.

The conference website is http://www.jadt.org

Conference topics

The themes of interest of the conference concern the application of statistical models and tools in the following domains:

•                Textometry, Statistical Analysis of Textual Data
•                Exploratory Textual Data Analysis
•                Corpus and Quantitative Linguistics
•                Natural Language Processing
•                Text Corpora Encoding
•                Statistical Analysis of Unstructured and Structured Data
•                Text Categorisation, Fuzzy Classification and Visualization
•                Information Retrieval and Information Extraction
•                Text Mining, Web Mining, Semantic Web
•                Stylometry, Discourse analysis
•                Software for Textual Data Analysis
•                Machine Learning for Textual Data Analysis
•                Multilingual and parallel corpora
Important dates

Title and Abstract (max 20 rows)
October 1, 2011
Submission Deadline: First Version of Paper (Full-text)
December 1, 2011
Notification to Authors
February 1, 2012
Deadline for registration
March 1, 2012
Final Camera-Ready Paper Delivery
March 1, 2012
Conference Dates
June 13-15, 2012

Languages for the papers and the presentations

Submissions, communications and presentations can be made in any one of the following languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish.

All communications and presentations must contain an English abstract.

Title and pre-submission

Participants interested in presenting a paper for either an oral or poster presentation should submit title and abstract (maximum 20 rows) by October 1, 2011. JADT 2012 uses the EasyChair system to manage submissions. The procedure will be available on the conference site www.jadt.org.


The Authors should submit the full paper by December 1, 2011. The papers will be peer reviewed. The full text of the communication should be maximum 12 pages, including references.

Authors will be notified of the Scientific Committee's decisions on the acceptance of their proposal and on the presentation format (oral communication or poster) by February 1, 2012.

Final Papers

The Authors are invited to submit the final accepted version of paper (12 pages) of their contribution by March 1, 2012, using the same paper's submission procedure. The final paper will be subject to a final re-reading.


For further information or enquiries write to jadt2012 at ulg.ac.be.


Hoping to see your active participation in the conference, we send you our best regards

---Anne Dister, Dominique Longrée and Gérald Purnelle
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