[Corpora-List] ACL 2011 Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2011): Final Call for Participation
Valia Kordoni
kordoni at coli.uni-sb.de
Wed Jun 15 04:23:32 UTC 2011
MWE 2011 Final Call for Participation
ACL 2011 Workshop on Multiword Expressions:
from Parsing and Generation to the real world (MWE 2011)
endorsed by the Special Interest Group on the Lexicon of the
Association for Computational Linguistics (SIGLEX)
Portland, Oregon, USA - June 23, 2011
Registration: http://www.aclweb.org/membership/acl2011reg.php
Under the denomination "Multiword Expression", one can hang a
wide range of linguistic constructions such as idioms (a frog in
the throat, kill some time), fixed phrases (per se, by and large,
rock'n roll), noun compounds (telephone booth, cable car),
compound verbs (give a presentation, go by [a name]), etc. While
easily mastered by native speakers, their interpretation poses a
major challenge for computational systems, due to their flexible
and heterogeneous nature. Surprisingly enough, MWEs are not
nearly as frequent in NLP resources (dictionaries, grammars) as
they are in real-word text, where they have been reported to
account for over 70% of the terms in a domain. Thus, MWEs are a
key issue and a current weakness for tasks like Natural Language
Parsing (NLP) and Generation (NLG), as well as real-life
applications such as Machine Translation.
MWE 2011 will be the 8th event in the series, and the time has
come to move from basic preliminary research and theoretical
results to actual applications in real-world NLP tasks. Therefore,
following further the trend of previous MWE workshops, we propose
a turn towards MWEs on NLP applications, specifically towards
Parsing and Generation of MWEs, as there is a wide range of open
problems that prevent MWE treatment techniques to be fully
integrated in current NLP systems. We will be interested in
research related (but not limited) to the following topics:
* Lexical representations: In spite of several proposals for
MWE representation ranging along the continuum from words-
with-spaces to compositional approaches connecting lexicon
and grammar, to date, it remains unclear how MWEs should be
represented in electronic dictionaries, thesauri and grammars.
New methodologies that take into account the type of MWE and
its properties are needed for efficiently handling manually
and/or automatically acquired expressions in NLP systems.
Moreover, we also need strategies to represent deep attributes
and semantic properties for these multiword entries.
* Application-oriented evaluation: Evaluation is a crucial
aspect for MWE research. Various evaluation techniques have
been proposed, from manual inspection of top-n candidates to
classic precision/recall measures. However, only application-
oriented techniques can give a clear indication of whether the
acquired MWEs are really useful. We will discuss papers that
study the impact of MWE handling in applications such as
Parsing, Generation, Information Extraction, Machine
Translation, Summarization, etc.
* Type-dependent analysis: While there is no unique definition
or classification of MWEs, most researchers agree on some
major classes such as named entities, collocations, multiword
terminology and verbal expressions. These, though, are very
heterogeneous in terms of syntactic and semantic properties,
and should thus be treated differently by applications. Type-
dependent analyses could shed some light on the best
methodologies to integrate MWE knowledge in our analysis and
generation systems.
* MWE engineering: Where do my MWEs go after being extracted?
Do they belong to the lexicon and/or to the grammar? In the
pipeline of linguistic analysis and/or generation, where
should we insert MWEs? And even more important: HOW? Because
all the effort put in automatic MWE extraction will not be
useful if we do not know how to employ these rich resources in
our real-life NLP applications!
Jun 23, 2011 Workshop at ACL 2011
08:15-08:30 Welcome
08:30-09:30 MWEs and Topic Modelling: Enhancing Machine Learning
with Linguistics
Invited talk by Tim Baldwin
Session I - Short Papers
Chair: Eric Wherli
09:30-09:45 Automatic Extraction of NV Expressions in Basque: Basic
Issues on Cooccurrence Techniques
Antton Gurrutxaga and Iñaki Alegria
09:45-10:00 Semantic Clustering: an Attempt to Identify Multiword
Expressions in Bengali
Tanmoy Chakraborty, Dipankar Das and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
10:00-10:15 Decreasing Lexical Data Sparsity in Statistical
Syntactic Parsing - Experiments with Named Entities
Deirdre Hogan, Jennifer Foster and Josef van Genabith
10:15-10:30 Detecting Multi-Word Expressions Improves Word Sense
Mark Finlayson and Nidhi Kulkarni
10:30-11:00 MORNING BREAK
Session II - Identification and Representation
Chair: Berthold Crysmann
11:00-11:25 Tree-Rewriting Models of Multi-Word Expressions
William Schuler and Aravind Joshi
11:25-11:50 Learning English Light Verb Constructions: Contextual
or Statistical
Yuancheng Tu and Dan Roth
11:50-12:15 Two Types of Korean Light Verb Constructions in a Typed
Feature Structure Grammar
Juwon Lee
12:15-13:50 LUNCH BREAK
Session III - Tasks and Applications
Chair: Ted Pedersen
13:50-14:15 MWU-Aware Part-of-Speech Tagging with a CRF Model and
Lexical Resources
Matthieu Constant and Anthony Sigogne
14:15-14:40 The Web is not a PERSON, Berners-Lee is not an
ORGANIZATION, and African-Americans are not LOCATIONS: An Analysis of
the Performance of Named-Entity Recognition
Robert Krovetz, Paul Deane and Nitin Madnani
14:40-15:05 A Machine Learning Approach to Relational Noun Mining
in German
Berthold Crysmann
15:05-15:30 Poster and Demo Session
Chair: Iñaki Alegria
Long Papers
Identifying and Analyzing Brazilian Portuguese Complex
Magali Sanches Duran, Carlos Ramisch, Sandra Maria Aluísio
and Aline Villavicencio
An N-gram Frequency Database Reference to Handle MWE
Extraction in NLP Applications
Patrick Watrin and Thomas François
Extracting Transfer Rules for Multiword Expressions from
Parallel Corpora
Petter Haugereid and Francis Bond
Identification and Treatment of Multiword Expressions
Applied to Information Retrieval
Otavio Acosta, Aline Villavicencio and Viviane Moreira
Short Papers
Stepwise Mining of Multi-Word Expressions in Hindi
Rai Mahesh Sinha
Detecting Noun Compounds and Light Verb Constructions: a
Contrastive Study
Veronika Vincze, István Nagy T. and Gábor Berend
Demo Papers
jMWE: A Java Toolkit for Detecting Multi-Word Expressions
Nidhi Kulkarni and Mark Finlayson
On-line Visualisation of Collocations Extracted from
Multilingual Corpora
Violeta Seretan and Eric Wehrli
StringNet Lexico-Grammatical Knowledgebase and its
David Wible and Nai-Lung Tsao
The Ngram Statistics Package (Text::NSP) : A Flexible Tool
for Identifying Ngrams, Collocations, and Word Associations
Ted Pedersen, Satanjeev Banerjee, Bridget McInnes, Saiyam
Kohli, Mahesh Joshi and Ying Liu
Fast and Flexible MWE Candidate Generation with the
Vitor De Araujo, Carlos Ramisch and Aline Villavicencio
16:00-17:00 How Many Multiword Expressions do People Know?
Invited talk by Ken Church
17:00-18:00 Panel: Toward a Special Interest Group for MWEs
Moderator: Valia Kordoni, DFKI GmbH & Saarland University,
Mark Johnson, Macquarie University, Australia
Preslav Nakov, National University of Singapore, Singapore
* Iñaki Alegria (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
* Dimitra Anastasiou (University of Bremen, Germany)
* Timothy Baldwin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
* Srinivas Bangalore (AT&T Labs-Research, USA)
* Francis Bond (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
* Aoife Cahill (IMS University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* Paul Cook (University of Toronto, Canada)
* Béatrice Daille (Nantes University, France)
* Mona Diab (Columbia University, USA)
* Gaël Dias (Beira Interior University, Portugal)
* Stefan Evert (University of Osnabrueck, Germany)
* Roxana Girju (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
* Chikara Hashimoto (National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology, Japan)
* Ulrich Heid (Stuttgart University, Germany)
* Kyo Kageura (University of Tokyo, Japan)
* Adam Kilgarriff (Lexical Computing Ltd., UK)
* Ioannis Korkontzelos (University of Manchester, UK)
* Zornitsa Kozareva (University of Southern California, USA)
* Brigitte Krenn (Austrian Research Institute for Artificial
Intelligence, Austria)
* Takuya Matsuzaki (University of Tokyo, Japan)
* Diana McCarthy (Lexical Computing Ltd., UK)
* Yusuke Miyao (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
* Rosamund Moon (University of Birmingham, UK)
* Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Jan Odijk (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
* Pavel Pecina (Dublin City University, Ireland)
* Scott Piao (Lancaster University, UK)
* Thierry Poibeau (CNRS and École Normale Supérieure, France)
* Elisabete Ranchhod (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
* Barbara Rosario (Intel Labs, USA)
* Agata Savary (Université François Rabelais Tours, France)
* Violeta Seretan (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Ekaterina Shutova (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Suzanne Stevenson (University of Toronto, Canada)
* Sara Stymne (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Stan Szpakowicz (University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Beata Trawinski (University of Vienna, Austria)
* Vivian Tsang (Bloorview Research Institute, Canada)
* Kyioko Uchiyama (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
* Ruben Urizar (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
* Gertjan van Noord (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
* Tony Veale (University College Dublin, Ireland)
* Begoña Villada Moirón (RightNow, The Netherlands)
* Yi Zhang (DFKI GmbH & Saarland University, Germany)
* Su Nam Kim (University of Melbourne, Australia)
* Preslav Nakov (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
* Valia Kordoni (DFKI GmbH & Saarland University, Germany)
* Carlos Ramisch (University of Grenoble, France and Federal
University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
* Aline Villavicencio (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul,
For any inquiries regarding the workshop please send an email to
mwe2011 at gmail.com
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