[Corpora-List] Compilation of language resources for French

Ineta Sejane ineta.sejane at gmx.de
Mon Mar 21 14:52:01 UTC 2011

Dear list,
thanks again for the suggestions for French wordlists and other language resources. Here is a compilation of all answers I got for the case anyone else needs the information.


1) Lefff - a frequently used list with many morphological and syntactical informations
http://alpage.inria.fr/~sagot/pub-en.html (publications on the topic)
2) Morphalou - a frequently used list, too
http://www.cnrtl.fr/lexiques/morphalou/ or http://led.loria.fr/outils.php#101
3) Wacky - a huge Web corpus (see for Italian, English and German, too) and automatically tagged wordlists 
4) http://jeanbeney.ouvaton.org/grafra/dico.html (wordlists according to word classes)
5) http://dicollecte.org/download.php?prj=fr (wordlists for OO, some for older spelling conventions)
6) http://www.lexique.org/
7) http://www-ldi.univ-paris13.fr/
8) http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/

Valency dictionary:
9) http://bach.arts.kuleuven.be/dicovalence 

Some corpora:
10) http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexiques/wiktionaryx_en.html (French Wikipedia) 
11) http://www.limsi.fr/Individu/pap/free_multitag.tgz (MULTITAG corpus)
12) http://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/ws_fra/ (Leipzig University’s Corpus Français )
13) http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/voisinsdelemonde/ (Les Voisins du Monde)
14) http://ota.oucs.ox.ac.uk/headers/2527.xml (Chambers-Le Baron Corpus of Research Articles in French)
15) http://ota.oucs.ox.ac.uk/headers/2491.xml (Chambers-Rostand Corpus of Journalistic French)

NLP applications and resources for French and other languages:
16) http://www.nooj4nlp.net/pages/resources.html 
17)  http://www.lextutor.ca/ (wordlists, language statistics, lexical quizzes, etc. in Compleat Lexical Tutor)

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