[Corpora-List] CPF: STIL 2011 - 8th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology
Lucia Specia
lspecia at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 09:50:05 UTC 2011
************* CALL FOR PAPERS *************
STIL 2011: 8th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology
October 24-26, 2011
Cuiaba, Brazil
----------- Submission Deadline: June 15, 2011-----------
STIL 2011 is a Language Technology event organized by the Special
Interest Group on Natural Language Processing of the Brazilian
Computer Society (http://www.nilc.icmc.usp.br/cepln/) and supported by
the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) (http://www.sbc.org.br/).
The conference has a multidisciplinary nature and covers a broad
spectrum of disciplines related to Human Language Technology, such as
Linguistics, Computer Science, Psycholinguistics, Information Science,
among others. It aims at bringing together both academic and
industrial participants working on those areas.
STIL-2011 welcomes research work in human language technology in
general (and not only Portuguese) in various fields. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:
- Natural Language Processing Applications
- Natural Language Resources & Tools
- User Studies and Evaluation Methods
- Corpus Linguistics
- Phonology/Morphology, Tagging and Chunking, Word Segmentation
- Terminology, Lexicology and Lexicography
- Lexical Semantics
- Grammar Formalisms, Syntax and Parsing
- Semantics, Semantic Representations and Semantic Parsing
- Discourse, Dialogue and Pragmatics
- Information Extraction & Retrieval
- Question Answering
- Human and Machine Translation, Multilinguality
- Summarization and Generation
- Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
- Text Classification
- Text/Web Mining
- Spoken Language Processing
- Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Language Processing
- Semantic web
- Ontologies
- NLP for Web 2.0
- Natural language interfaces
- Computer-aided writing tools
- Psycholinguistics
- Information filtering and retrieval
- Digital libraries
- Document and knowledge management
- Knowledge representation and modelling
----------- Important Dates -----------
* Submission Deadline: June 15, 2011
* Notification: August 20, 2011
* Camera-ready Deadline: September 04, 2011
* Conference: October 24-26, 2011
----------- Submission Information -----------
Papers can be written in English, Portuguese or Spanish.
Submissions will be accepted only through the JEMS SBC system
----------- Length -----------
We accept submissions of long and short papers. Long papers should
describe complete work with significant results. Short papers can
report work in progress, negative results, position papers,
application papers.
Long papers may have up to eight (8) pages of content (including
tables and pictures), with two (2) additional pages of references, and
will be presented orally. Short papers should have up to four (4)
pages of content, and one (1) additional page of references, and will
be presented as posters. Authors should also indicate whether they
accept their long paper to be reallocated as a poster should the
reviewers recommend so.
----------- Format -----------
Paper formatting must follow the SBC guidelines available at this
address: http://www.sbc.org.br/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=195&task=finish&cid=38&catid=32
The reviewing will be double blind and therefore papers should not
display any information regarding their authorship in the header or
body of the text. Self-references that reveal the author's identity,
e.g., "As we previously showed (Silva, 2005)...", must be avoided.
Instead, authors such use "Silva previously showed (Silva, 2005) ...".
All accepted papers (long and short) will be published in the
conference proceedings.
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