[Corpora-List] CFP: Issue 3 of the Journal of the TEI
Piotr Bański
bansp at o2.pl
Fri May 13 15:31:42 UTC 2011
TEI for Linguists
CFP: Issue 3 of the Journal of the TEI
Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2011
While the TEI Guidelines are an obvious encoding standard in
Digital-Humanities-based research, it is still not so obvious a choice
for those working in linguistics. This is surprising, particularly in
the field of computational linguistics, because the TEI Guidelines
address many issues relevant for the fast growing amount of digital
language data, e.g. corpora, speech data, dictionaries etc., and
linguistic annotation. Moreover, with recent developments in data mining
and text analysis in the larger digital humanities community, the needs
of these researchers are becoming closely aligned with those in the the
field of Natural Language Processing (NLP).
The editors of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, the official
journal of the TEI Consortium, are delighted to announce a call for
papers for a special issue that focuses on TEI for linguistic purposes.
For this issue, the guest editors (Piotr Bański, Eleonora Litta, and
Andreas Witt) welcome articles dealing with:
* linguistically annotated corpora
* the relation of the TEI encoding scheme and the standards of ISO
TC37/SC 4
* interoperability between the Humanities and NLP
* interoperability between data formats used in the field of
linguistics and TEI
* reasons for not using the TEI in the field of linguistics
* application of TEI modules for linguists, e.g. transcription of
speech or feature structures
* the potential for rich structuring of documents that the TEI
offers vs. text mining / Information Extraction / text analysis --
is the TEI a potential player in this field?
The Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative is a peer-reviewed open
source publication hosted by revues.org. Closing date for submissions is
30 September 2011 with publication expected Spring 2012.
This issue is being guest edited by the Co-Chairs of the Linguistics
SIG, Piotr Bański (University of Warsaw), Eleonora Litta Modignani
Picozzi (King's College, London), and Andreas Witt (Institut für
Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim).
For further information submission and author guidelines, please see
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