[Corpora-List] complete list of closed-class words in English

Daniel Zeman zeman at ufal.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Nov 24 07:56:10 UTC 2011

Dear Siddhartha,

some time ago I collected my own list of English closed-class words. It 
is closer to a laundry list than an ontology. The words are grouped by 
class but you would have to supply your own class labels. I enumerated 
most classes myself, which means they may not be complete and they may 
contain words not found in corpus. Prepositions and conjunctions are 
exception: I collected words from the Penn Treebank with particular POS 
tags. I am attaching the list. If you can use it, feel free to do so.

Best regards,

RNDr. Daniel Zeman, Ph.D.
ÚFAL MFF, Univerzita Karlova v Praze

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