[Corpora-List] Sentiment analysis research session, November 8, San Francisco

Seth Grimes grimes at altaplana.com
Tue Oct 11 12:33:25 UTC 2011

The agenda for the November 8, San Francisco, half-day Breakout Sentiment 
Analysis research session is online at 
http://sentimentsymposium.com/research.html .  Presenters/panelists are:

Shlomo Argamon, Subtext3 and the Illinois Institute of Technology
Moritz Sudhof, Experience Project and Stanford University
Dan Sciro and Khurshid Ahmad, Troecht Ltd and Trinity College, Dublin
Sara Owsley Sood, Pomona College
Anissa Frini, Defence R&D Canada
Seid Muhie Yimam, University of Trento
Jacob Perkins, Weotta
Lipika Dey, Tata Consultancy Services
Christopher Potts, Stanford University

See registration information at the foot of that page.  Space is limited, 
so if you'd like to attend, please register soon or contact me if you'd 
like me to hold a space.  We can still accommodate another couple of 
talks, 15/20 minutes, so if you'd like to present, please use the form 
linked from that page.

The session precedes the November 9 Sentiment Analysis Symposium.  You can 
register for either or both.


Seth Grimes    grimes at altaplana.com   +1 301-270-0795    @sethgrimes
Alta Plana Corp, analytics strategy consulting, http://altaplana.com
InformationWeek, contributing editor           http://sethgrimes.com
* http://SentimentAnalysisSymposium.com November 9, San Francisco *

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