[Corpora-List] Conf. Mira ARIEL, "Pragmatics and grammar: More pragmatics or more grammar?", 17 Nov. 2011, ENS Ulm, Paris
Thierry Poibeau
Thierry.Poibeau at ens.fr
Sat Oct 29 12:00:11 UTC 2011
Conference organized by LATTICE-CNRS (http://www.lattice.cnrs.fr/)
University of Tel Aviv
Title : "Pragmatics and grammar: More pragmatics or more grammar?"
Thursday 17 November 2011
Ecole Normale Supérieure
45 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris
Salle Dussane
Mira Ariel, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Tel Aviv is well known for her work on referential and anaphoric expressions: her authoritative studies of accessibility marking (cf. Ariel 1990) have had a major influence on research in this field.
More recently, she has also published two books (Ariel 2008 and 2010) on the relationship between grammar and pragmatics. The views she puts forward here profoundly call into question the generally accepted distribution of tasks between these two branches of linguistics. The new approach she advocates, in which grammar takes charge of everything which is linguistically encoded, and pragmatics everything relating to contextual inferences, explains how and why grammar and pragmatics are combined in discourse, and why pragmatic uses of referential expressions, conjunctions and many other forms can gradually give rise to grammatical encoding.
Mira Ariel 1990 : Accessing Noun-Phrase Antecedents. London: Routledge
2008 : Pragmatics and Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University
2010 : Defining Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
"Langues, Textes, Traitements Informatiques et Cognition"
ENS Paris – Labex TransferS
Université de Paris III
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