[Corpora-List] 2nd, revised CFP: "TEI for Linguists" (special issue of jTEI)

Piotr Bański bansp at o2.pl
Wed Sep 14 13:02:17 UTC 2011

^ Due to the requests for deadline extension that we have received
^ during the vacation season, we extend the deadlines and publish a
^ modified call for contributions.

2nd, revised, call for contributions to jTEI, topic: “TEI for linguists”

The Text Encoding Initiative, the publisher of the TEI Guidelines that
have set the standards for Digital Humanities for the past 20 years, has
recently launched a new peer-reviewed open-access journal, the jTEI
(http://journal.tei-c.org/journal/), designed to become the primary
platform for the dissemination of TEI-related content.

The conveners of the TEI Special Interest Group “TEI for Linguists” have
the pleasure to announce a revised call for papers for the third,
special edition of jTEI, devoted to the topic of the use of the TEI
Guidelines for linguistic purposes.

While the Guidelines are an obvious encoding standard in Digital
Humanities research, they are still not so obvious a choice for those
working in linguistics. This is surprising, particularly in the field of
computational and corpus linguistics, because the Guidelines address
many issues relevant to creators and maintainers of digitalised
collections of language data such as language corpora, transcriptions of
spoken language or lexical databases, as well as to descriptions of this
kind of data, in the form of electronic dictionaries, linguistic
annotations, Feature-Structure-based modelling of information, or
metadata catalogs. Moreover, with recent developments in data mining and
text analysis, the needs of Digital Humanities researchers are becoming
closely aligned with those working in the field of Natural Language
Processing. The annotation scheme developed under the auspices of the
Text Encoding Initiative has the potential to become one of the links
between these disciplines.

We invite contributions dealing with, in particular:

* (un)suitability of the TEI for the annotation of linguistically
  annotated corpora;
* reasons for (not) adopting the TEI in the field of linguistics and
  language-resource management;
* the relationship between the TEI encoding scheme and the standards of
  ISO TC37/SC4 “Language Resource Management”;
* the TEI as the common ground between the Humanities and NLP;
* interoperability between data formats used in the field of
  linguistics and in TEI annotations;
* usefulness of TEI modules to linguists, e.g. for purposes of
  transcribing speech or encoding feature structures;
* the potential for rich structuring of documents that the TEI offers
  vs. text mining / Information Extraction / text analysis -- is the
  TEI a potential player in this field?

Full papers are due on October 31. The notifications of acceptance will
be sent on December 15.

For further information submission and author guidelines, please see

With any further questions, please e-mail journal at tei-c.org .

* Submission of full papers for review: 31 October 2011
* Notification of acceptance: 15 December 2011
* Complete submissions due: 31 January 2012

Guest Editors for this issue:
* Piotr Bański, University of Warsaw
* Eleonora Litta Modignani Picozzi, King’s College, London
* Andreas Witt, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim

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