[Corpora-List] CFP: LREC 2012 Language Resource Merging Workshop
Valeria Quochi
valeria.quochi at ilc.cnr.it
Wed Feb 1 13:22:33 UTC 2012
2nd Call for Papers
LREC 2012 Workshop on: Language Resource Merging
Date: 22 May 2012 Afternoon Session
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
**** Deadline for paper submission: 15 February 2012 *****
The availability of adequate language resources has been a well-known
bottleneck for most high-level language technology applications, e.g.
Machine Translation, parsing, and Information Extraction, for at least
15 years , and the impact of the bottleneck is becoming all the more
apparent with the availability of higher computational power and
massive storage, since modern language technologies are capable of
using far more resources than the community produces. The present
landscape is characterized by the existence of numerous scattered
resources, many of which have differing levels of coverage, types of
information and granularity. Taken singularly, existing resources do
not have sufficient coverage, quality or richness for robust
large-scale applications, and yet they contain valuable information
(Monachini et al. 2004 and 2006; Soria et al. 2006; Molinero, Sagot
and Nicolas 2009; Necsulescu et al. 2011). Differing technology or
application requirements, ignorance of the existence of certain
resources, and difficulties in accessing and using them, has led to
the proliferation of multiple, unconnected resources that, if merged,
could constitute a much richer repository of information augmenting
either coverage or granularity, or both, and consequently multiplying
the number of potential language technology applications. Merging,
combining and/or compiling larger resources from existing ones thus
appears to be a promising direction to take.
The re-use and merging of existing resources is not altogether
unknown. For example, WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998) has been successfully
reused in a variety of applications. But this is the exception rather
than the rule; in fact, merging, and enhancing existing resources is
uncommon, probably because it is by no means a trivial task given the
profound differences in formats, formalisms, metadata, and linguistic
The language resource landscape is on the brink of a large change,
however. With the proliferation of accessible metadata catalogues, and
resource repositories (such as the new META-SHARE
(http://www.meta-net.eu/meta-share) infrastructure), a potentially
large number of existing resources will be more easily located,
accessed and downloaded. Also, with the advent of distributed
platforms for the automatic production of language resources, such as
PANACEA (http://www.panacea-lr.eu/), new language resources and
linguistic information capable of being integrated into those
resources will be produced more easily and at a lower cost. Thus, it
is likely that researchers and application developers will seek out
resources already available before developing new, costly ones, and
will require methods for merging/combining various resources and
adapting them to their specific needs.
Up to the present day, most resource merging has been done manually,
with only a small number of attempts reported in the literature
towards (semi-)automatic merging of resources (Crouch & King 2005;
Pustejovsky et al. 2005; Molinero, Sagot and Nicolas 2009; Necsulescu
et al. 2011). In order to take a further step towards the scenario
depicted above, in which resource merging and enhancing is a reliable
and accessible first step for researchers and application developers,
experience and best practices must be shared and discussed, as this
will help the whole community avoid any waste of time and resources.
This half-day workshop is meant to be part of a series of meetings
constituting an ongoing forum for sharing and evaluating the results
of different methods and systems for the automatic production of
language resources (the first one was the LREC 2010 Workshop on
Methods for the Automatic Production of Language Resources and their
Evaluation Methods). The main focus of this workshop is on
(semi-)automatic means of merging language resources, such as
lexicons, corpora and grammars. Merging makes it possible to re-use,
adapt, and enhance existing resources, alongside new, automatically
created ones, with the goal of reducing the manual intervention
required in language resource production, and thus ultimately
production costs.
The topics of the workshop are related to best practices, methods,
techniques and experimental results regarding the merging of various
types of language resources, such as lexicons and corpora, especially
in support of language technology applications. In particular, new
methods for automatic merging with a view towards reducing human
intervention will be most welcome.
Topics for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Experiments on (semi-)automatic merging of automatically
produced resources
- Experiments on the merging of two or more existing resources
containing the same or different levels of linguistic information
- Studies or experiments on merging resources at different
levels of granularity (corpora, lexicons, grammars)
- Studies or experiments on unifying, mapping or converting
encoding formats
- Comparison between different resources and mapping algorithms
to provide desired merging
- Use of linguistic information from different sources in
high-level language applications
- Use of new, merged language resources in language technology
Interested participants must submit a preliminary paper of about 4-6
pages including references (between 2000-2500 words). For the
submission please use the online form on START LREC Conference Manager
at: https://www.softconf.com/lrec2012/MergingLR2012/
When submitting a paper from the START page, authors will be asked to
provide essential information about resources (in a broad sense, i.e.
also technologies, standards, evaluation kits, etc.) that have been
used for the work described in the paper or are a new result of your
For further information on this new initiative, please refer to
Papers will be peer-reviewed by the workshop Program Committee.
Deadline for paper submission: 15 February 2012
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2012
Submission of camera-ready version of papers: 31 March 2012
Workshop date: 22 May 2012 Afternoon Session
lrec12_workshop_merging at ilc.cnr.it
Núria Bel, UPF, Barcelona, Spain
Maria Gavrilidou, ILSP-Athena, Athens, Greece,
Monica Monachini, CNR-ILC, Pisa, Italy
Valeria Quochi, CNR-ILC, Pisa, Italy
Laura Rimell, University of Cambridge, UK
Victoria Arranz, ELDA, Paris, France
Paul Buitelaaar, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Nicoletta Calzolari, CNR-ILC, Pisa, Italy
Olivier Hamon, ELDA, Paris, France
Ale Horák, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Nancy Ide, Vassar College, Mass. USA
Bernardo Magnini, FBK, Trento, Italy
Paola Monachesi, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jan Odijk, , Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Muntsa Padró, IULA, Barcellona, Spain
Karel Pala, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Thierry Poibeau University of Cambridge, UK and CNRS, Paris, France
Benoît Sagot, INRIA, Paris, France
Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Claudia Soria, CNR-ILC, Pisa, Italy
Maurizio Tesconi, CNR-IIT, Pisa
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