[Corpora-List] Two Lexicom courses, NZ (Feb) and Austria (Sept)
Adam Kilgarriff
adam at lexmasterclass.com
Wed Feb 1 14:47:41 UTC 2012
Lexicom Workshops in Lexicography and Lexical Computing
*Final call* for *lexicom2012-NZ* <http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/lexicom2012nz/>,
in Auckland, New Zealand,
in association with the first Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics
Conference<http://corpling.com/conf> 11-15
Feb 2012
*First call *for* lexicom2012-europe <http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/lexicom2012eu/>,
* in Galtür, Austria, 24-28 Sept 2012
> Led by Adam Kilgarriff and Michael Rundell of the Lexicography
MasterClass, these are intensive five-day workshops, with seminars on
theoretical issues alternating with practical sessions at the computer.
There will be some parallel 'lexicographic' and 'computational' sessions.
Topics to be covered include:
* corpus creation
> * corpus analysis:
> o software and corpus querying
> o discovering word senses, recording contextual
> * preparing word sketches
> * writing entries for dictionaries and lexicons
> * dictionary databases and writing systems
> * using web data
> * the future of lexicography and lexical computing
Applications are invited from people with interests and experience in any
of these areas.
Over the last eleven years Lexicom workshops (in Europe, Asia and the
Americas) have attracted over 300 participants from 35 countries,
including lexicographers, computational linguists, professors, research
students, translators, terminologists, and editors, managers and technical
support staff from dictionary publishers and information-management
To register, go to:
http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/lexicom2012nz or
Early registration for the Europe event is advised. The workshop has been
oversubscribed in previous years.
Further details, including draft programme and reports of past events can
be found at: http://www.lexmasterclass.com
Adam Kilgarriff <http://www.kilgarriff.co.uk/>
adam at lexmasterclass.com
Director Lexical Computing
Visiting Research Fellow University of
*Corpora for all* with the Sketch Engine <http://www.sketchengine.co.uk>
*DANTE: a lexical database for
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