[Corpora-List] RFP: NEH Institute "Working With Text in a Digital Age"

Anke Lüdeling Anke.Luedeling at rz.hu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 3 13:15:35 UTC 2012

Tufts University invites applications to “Working with Text in a Digital 
Age”, a three-week NEH Institute for Advanced Technology in the Digital 
Humanities (July 23-August 10, 2012) that combines traditional topics 
such as TEI Markup with training in methods from Information Retrieval, 
Visualization, and Corpus and Computational Linguistics.  Faculty, 
graduate students, and library professionals are encouraged to apply (US 
citizens only).  Applicants should submit proposals by February 15, 
2012.   Participant proposals must include CVs and statements of purpose 
(no more than 1,000 words) describing how they will be able to use 
participation in the Institute to advance their subsequent careers. 
Participants must be committed to collaborative work and to publication 
of results from this Institute under a Creative Commons license. 
Participants should identify source materials with which they propose to 
work during the Institute and which must be in the public domain or 
available under a suitable license. In an ideal case, source materials 
would include both texts for intensive analysis and annotation and one 
or more larger corpora to be mined and analyzed more broadly. Statements 
of purpose must describe initial goals for the Institute. For more 
information or to submit applications, please contact 
lcerrato at perseus.tufts.edu.

We particularly encourage participants who are committed to developing 
research agendas that integrate contributions and research by 
undergraduates, that expand the global presence of the Humanities, and 
that, in general, broaden access to and participation in the Humanities. 
Preference will be given to participants who are best prepared not only 
to apply new technologies but to do so as a means to transform their 
teaching and research and the relationship of their work to society 
beyond academia.

Prof. Dr. Anke Lüdeling
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Postadresse/postal address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
Besuchsadresse/visiting address: Hegelplatz 2, Zimmer/Room 3.342
phone: +49-(0)30-20939799
fax: +49-(0)30-20939729
email: anke.luedeling at rz.hu-berlin.de

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