[Corpora-List] Ambiguous words in English and their frequency

FORT, Karen Karen.FORT at inist.fr
Wed Jan 25 19:33:02 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I need to find this information (the proportion of ambiguous words in English and their frequency).
For example, we know that in French 8% of the words represent 30% of the ambiguity.
Of course, it's very rough, but it's only to have a rough idea.

Can somebody help me with this (of course, I searched for a ref but could not find anything precise)?

Thank you in advance,


Karën FORT
Ingénieure/Engineer et/and doctorante/PhD student
2, allée de Brabois
54500 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Bureau/Office: H112
+33 (0)3 83 50 46 36

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