[Corpora-List] CLEF 2012 - Call for Papers

Pamela Forner forner at celct.it
Fri Jan 27 10:30:16 UTC 2012

****Apologies for cross posting. Please circulate widely. ***

CLEF 2012: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum

Information Access Evaluation meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visual Analytics

17-20 September 2012, Rome, Italy


Call for papers

We invite submissions for the CLEF 2012 Conference on all aspects of Information Access in any modality and language. A series of workshops presenting the results of lab-based comparative/competitive evaluations are attached to the main Conference. This is the 13th edition of the CLEF initiative as a forum for Information Access Evaluation with special attention to multimodality and multilinguality. 

All submissions to the CLEF main conference will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance, and clarity. The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).


Relevant topics for the CLEF 2011 Conference include but are not limited to:

- Information Access in any language or modality: Information retrieval, Image Retrieval, Question Answering, Search Interfaces and design, infrastructures, etc.

- Visual Analytics for Information Retrieval: theoretical and practical results in the Visual Analytics field that are specifically targeted for Information Access data analysis.

- Evaluation initiatives: Conclusions, lessons learned, impact and projection of any evaluation initiative after completing their cycle.

- Evaluation: methodologies, metrics, statistical and analytical tools, component based, user groups and use cases, ground-truth creation, impact of multilingual/multicultural/multimodal differences, etc.

- Technology transfer: Economic impact/sustainability of information access approaches, deployment and exploitation of systems, market studies, etc.


Authors are invited to submit electronically original papers, which have not been published and are not under consideration elsewhere, using the LNCS proceedings format:

Two types of papers are solicited:
. Long papers: 12 pages max. Aimed to report complete research works.
. Short papers: 6 pages max. Position papers, new evaluation proposals, developments and applications, etc.

Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. Selection will be based on originality, clarity, and technical quality. Papers should be submitted in PDF format to the following address: 


- Submission of Papers: 	April 30 2012
- Notification of Acceptance:	June 04 2012
- Camera Ready: 		June 18 2012
- Conference: 			September 17-20 2012


General Chairs
Tiziana Catarci, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Djoerd Hiemstra, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Program Chairs
Anselmo Peñas, National Distance Learning University, Spain
Giuseppe Santucci, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Evaluation Lab Chairs
Jussi Karlgren, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden
Christa Womser-Hacker, University of Hildesheim, Germany

Organization Chair
Emanuele Pianta, CELCT, Italy

Local organizers
Consulta Umbra, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Carola Aiello, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Pamela Forner
CELCT (web: www.celct.it)
Center for the Evaluation of Language and Communication Technologies
Via alla Cascata 56/c 
38100 Povo - TRENTO -Italy

email: forner at celct.it
tel.:  +39 0461 314 804
fax:  +39 0461 314 846
Secretary Phone:  +39 0461 314 870

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