[Corpora-List] 2nd CFP / Deadline Extension: LREC 2012 'Best Practices for Speech Corpora in Linguistic Research'

Thomas Schmidt thomas.schmidt at uni-hamburg.de
Tue Jan 31 13:49:28 UTC 2012

Second Call for Papers / Deadline Extension
LREC 2012 Workshop
'Best Practices for Speech Corpora in Linguistic Research'
21 May 2012, 14:30-19:30

* Please note that the DEADLINE for submitting *
* papers has been EXTENDED to 19 FEBRUARY 2012 *

This half-day-workshop addresses the question of best practices for
the design, creation and dissemination of speech corpora in linguistic
disciplines like conversation analysis, dialectology,
sociolinguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis. The aim is to
take stock of current initiatives, see how their approaches to speech
data processing differ or overlap, and find out where and how a
potential for coordination of efforts and standardisation exists.

Largely in parallel to the speech technology community, linguists from
such diverse fields as conversation analysis, dialectology,
sociolinguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis have, in the last
ten years or so, intensified their efforts to build up (or curate)
larger collections of spoken language data. Undoubtedly, methods,
tools, standards and workflows developed for corpora used in speech
technology often serve as a starting point and a source of inspiration
for the practices evolving in the linguistic research community.
Conversely, the spoken language corpora developed for linguistic
research can certainly also be valuable for the development or
evaluation of speech technology. Yet it would be an oversimplification
to say that speech technology data and spoken language data in
linguistic research are merely two variants of the same category of
language resources. Too distinct are the scholarly traditions, the
research interests and the institutional circumstances that determine
the designs of the respective corpora and the practices chosen to
build, use and disseminate the resulting data.

The aim of this workshop is therefore to look at speech corpora from a
decidedly linguistic perspective. We want to bring together linguists,
tool developers and corpus specialists who develop and work with
authentic spoken language corpora and discuss their different
approaches to corpus design, transcription and annotation, metadata
management and data dissemination. A desirable outcome of the workshop
would be a better understanding of
* best practices for speech corpora in conversation analysis,
dialectology, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis,
* possible routes to standardising data models, formats and workflows
for spoken language data in linguistic research
* ways of linking up trends in speech technology corpora with
corresponding work in the linguistics communities

Topics of interest include:
* speech corpus designs and corpus stratification schemes
* metadata descriptions of speakers and communications
* legal issues in creating, using and publishing speech corpora for
linguistic research
* transcription and annotation tools for authentic speech data
* use of automatic methods for tagging, annotating authentic speech data
* transcription conventions in conversation analysis, dialectology,
sociolinguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis
* corpus management systems for speech corpora
* workflows and processing chains for speech corpora in linguistic research
* data models and data formats for transcription and annotation data
* standardization issues for speech corpora in linguistic research
* dissemination platforms for speech corpora
* integration of speech corpora from linguistic research into digital

Organizing committee
* Michael Haugh, Griffith University, Australia
* Sükriye Ruhi, Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
* Thomas Schmidt, Institute for the German Language, Mannheim, Germany
* Kai Wörner, Hamburg Centre for Language Corpora, Germany

Program committee
* Yesim Aksan (Mersin University)
* Dawn Archer (University of Central Lancashire)
* Steve Cassidy (Macquarie University, Sydney)
* Chris Christie (Loughborough University)
* Arnulf Deppermann (Institute for the German Language, Mannheim)
* John Du Bois (University of California, Santa Barbara)
* Ulrike Gut (University of Münster)
* Iris Hendrickx (Linguistics Center of the University of Lisboa)
* Alper Kanak (Turkish Science and Technology Institute – TÜBITAK)
* Kemal Oflazer (Carnegie Mellon at Qatar)
* Antonio Pareja-Lora (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
* Petr Porízka (Univerzita Palackého)
* Jochen Rehbein (Middle East Technical University)
* Jesus Romero-Trillo (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
* Yvan Rose (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
* Martina Schrader-Kniffki (University of Bremen)
* Deniz Zeyrek (Middle East Technical University)

Submission instructions

Submitted abstracts of papers for oral and poster or demo
presentations should consist of about 1500-2000 words. Please submit papers
electronically using START submission software at


When submitting a paper from the START page, authors will be asked to
provide essential information about resources (in a broad sense, i.e.
also technologies, standards, evaluation kits, etc.) that have been
used for the work described in the paper or are a new result of your
research. For further information on this new initiative, please refer
to www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2012/?LRE-Map-2012

* Workshop date: 21 May 2012, 14:30-19:30
* Extended Deadline for submission of abstracts: 19 February 2012
* Pre-conference workshops and tutorials: 21 and 22 May 2012
* Post-conference workshops and tutorials: 26 and 27 May 2012
* Main conference: 23-25 May 2012

Further Information
Please check


regularly for up-to-date information on the workshop.

Thomas Schmidt
IDS Mannheim
c/o HZSK
Max Brauer-Allee 60
22765 Hamburg
Tel.: (040) 42838-6895

Thomas Schmidt
Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora
Max Brauer-Allee 60
22765 Hamburg
Tel.: (040) 42838-6425
Fax.: (040) 42838-6116

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