[Corpora-List] 2nd CfP: "From Words to Actions" : NAACL-HLT 2012 Workshop on Semantic Interpretation in an Actionable Context
Dan Goldwasser
goldwas1 at illinois.edu
Sat Mar 17 01:32:53 UTC 2012
"From Words to Actions" : NAACL-HLT 2012 Workshop on Semantic
Interpretation in an Actionable Context
June 8, 2012
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
We are soliciting submissions for NAACL-HLT 2012 Workshop on Semantic
Interpretation in an Actionable Context (SIAC-2012).
Effective and seamless Human-Computer interaction using natural language is
arguably one of the major challenges of natural language processing and
artificial intelligence in general. Making significant progress in
developing natural language capabilities that support this level of
interaction has countless applications and is bound to attract many
researchers from several AI fields: from robotics to games to the social
>>From the natural language processing perspective the problem is often
formulated as a translation task: mapping between natural language input
and a logical output language that can be executed in the domain of
interest. Unlike shallow approaches for semantic interpretation, which
provide an incomplete or underspecified interpretation of the natural
language input, the output of a formal semantic interpreter is expected to
provide complete meaning representation that can be executed directly by a
computer system. Examples of such systems include robotic control, database
access, game playing and more. Current approaches to this task take a data
driven approach, in which a learning algorithm is given a set of natural
language sentences as input and their corresponding logical meaning
representation and learns a statistical semantic parser: a set of
parameterized rules mapping lexical items and syntactic patterns to a
logical formula.
In recent years this framework was challenged by an exciting line of
research, advocating that semantic interpretation should not be studied in
isolation, but rather in the context of the external environment (or
computer system) which provides the semantic context for interpretation.
This line of research comprises several directions, focusing on grounded
semantic representations, flexible semantic interpretation models, and
alternative learning protocols driven by indirect supervision signals.
This progress has contributed to expanding the scope of semantic
interpretation, introduced new domains and tasks and revealed that it is
possible to make progress in this direction with reduced manual effort. In
particular, it resulted in a wide range of models, learning protocols,
learning tasks, and semantic formalisms that, while clearly related, are
not directly comparable and understood under a single framework.
The goal of this workshop is to provide researchers interested in the field
with an opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss other perspectives, and
formulate a shared vision for this research direction.
We invite submissions that explore this field from multiple, theoretical
and experimental, perspectives on, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Indirect supervision protocols for semantic interpretation
- Modeling and representing an external world
- Incorporating domain knowledge into semantic inference
- Interactive language interpretation
- New domains and tasks
We invite both long submissions (8 pages + 2 pages for references)
describing complete works, position and survey papers, and short
submissions (4 pages) describing work in progress, new datasets and tasks.
We also invite abstract submissions (1-2 pages) describing previously
published work.
Submissions should follow the NAACL'12 formatting instructions. *Submissions
must be anonymized.*
Complete instructions and style files are available at:
Submission page: https://www.softconf.com/naaclhlt2012/SIAC2012/
- April 2: Paper due date
- April 23: Notification of acceptance
- May 04: Camera ready deadline
- June 8: Words-to-Actions Workshop
Dan Goldwasser <https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/goldwas1/www/>
goldwas1 at illinois.edu
Regina Barzilay <http://people.csail.mit.edu/regina/> regina at csail.mit.edu
Dan Roth <http://l2r.cs.uiuc.edu/> danr at illinois.edu
Raymond Mooney
Luke Zettlemoyer
Jacob Eisenstein
Alexander Koller
Percy Liang
Wei Lu
Nick Roy
Jeffrey Mark Siskind
Jason Weston
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