[Corpora-List] 15th Euralex congress, Oslo 7-11 August 2012: Lexicography and lexicology

Ruth E Vatvedt Fjeld r.e.v.fjeld at iln.uio.no
Thu Mar 15 09:11:23 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues,

You are kindly invited to participate in 15th Euralex congress, a 
congress organized by the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian 
Studies and The Language Council of Norway. The congress will be held
at the University of Oslo, Blindern, August 7-11 2012.

For all information (academic program, social program, accomodation, 
practical information) please visit our web site:

We wish all interested in lexicography and lexicology welcome to the 


Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld
(chair of the organizing committee)

Professor Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld
Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies
University of Oslo
Tel. 22 85 43 85

Mobil 90 56 45 94

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