[Corpora-List] Workshop CfP

Thierry Declerck declerck at dfki.de
Sat May 5 10:59:50 UTC 2012

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

If you could announce the following Konvens 2012 Workshop (also attached)?

Many thanks

LThist2012 Workshop, at Konvens 2012
Language Technology for Historical Text(s)


The interaction between Human Language Technology (HLT) and Digital 
Humanities (DH) at large has been the focus of various projects and 
initiatives during the last years, aiming to bring forward language 
resources and tools for the Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural 

Related to this development, the specific focus of LThist 2012 lies on 
the development of technology and resources required for processing 
historical texts. Contributors and participants are invited: (i) To 
compare and, to the extent possible, interchange data, tools, 
approaches, and standards that make historical texts accessible to 
automatic processing. In line with the general topic of Konvens2012, 
specific attention will be paid to the adoption of empirical methods. 
(ii) To discuss ways and strategies for shaping HLT resources (tools, 
data and metadata) in ways that are maximally beneficial for researchers 
in the Humanities.
In the workshop, historical texts are understood in two ways: Texts as 
documents of older forms of languages and linguistic varietes, and texts 
as documentations of historical content, in variosu domains (like 
medicine, philopshy, etc.). Therefore the workshop will not only be 
concerned with questions of collecting, representing, processing and 
exchanging corpora of historical texts and respective tools, but also 
with finding ways to correlate linguistic information with data 
representing extra-linguistic historical context.
Topic areas that will be addressed in LThist 2012 comprise (but are not 
limited to) methods and tools: for processing historical texts making 
use of rule-based as well as statistical approaches; for building 
corpora of historical texts and languages; for integrating multimedia 
and multimodal aspects (text and image) in historical corpora; for 
building concrete applications and creating concrete infrastructures 
supporting the collaboration between HLT and DH.

TOPICS (indicative list):

· Building corpora of historical text
· Extraction of lexicographic information from historical texts 
· Methods and tools for processing of historical corpora – rule-based 
vs. statistical approaches, with a particular focus on addressing 
differences to processing modern corpora, and related implications for 
the development of respective natural language processing tools
· Multimedia/modal aspects (text and image) in historical corpora
· Representational issues, for example inclusion of temporal information 
in historical corpora and lexicons
· Interaction with historical and social sciences, inclusion of 
non-linguistic data in historical corpora and lexicons, and related 
requirements on knowledge representation
· Applications in the various fields of Language Technology (HLT) and 
Digital Humanities (DH)
· Interaction and integration of standards in the HLT and DH fields
· Infrastructures for HLT and DH collaborations


The authors are invited to prepare 2 types of submissions
1. Full papers describing accomplished work (8 pages + references)
2. Short papers on-ongoing work or concrete proposals (4 pages + references)

Submission guidelines: http://www.oegai.at/konvens2012/formatting.shtml

Submission system: ps://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lthist2012


June 15, 2012: Paper Submission Deadline
July 20, 2012: Notification to the Authors
August 27, 2012: Camera Ready Versions
September 21, 2012: Workshop


Thierry Declerck, DFKI GmbH, Germany & ICLTT-ÖAW, Austria
Brigitte Krenn, ÖFAI, Vienna, Austria
Karlheinz Mörth, ICLTT-ÖAW, Vienna, Austria

For any questions, please contact Thierry Declerck (declerck at dfki.de)


Thierry Declerck,
Senior Consultant at DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Lab
Stuhlsatzenhausweg, 3
D-66123 Saarbruecken
Phone: +49 681 / 857 75-53 58
Fax: +49 681 / 857 75-53 38
email: declerck at dfki.de

Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Firmensitz: Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes

Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

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