[Corpora-List] new Falko German learner corpus release - FalkoL2WHIGv2.0

Marc Reznicek marc.reznicek at staff.hu-berlin.de
Mon Sep 17 14:26:13 UTC 2012

The error-annotated German learner corpus Falko has released a new
subcorpus: FalkoEssayL2WHIGv2.0 including 195 argumentative essays by
advanced learners of German (117,189 tokens).

For each text two full-text target hypotheses (a minimal morphosyntactic
normalization and an extended semantic-pragmatic version) have been

Each representation has been POS-tagged and lemmatized (Treetagger &
rfTagger). rfTagger morphological annotation has been integrated as well.

On this basis, tags indicating differences between the learner text and its
POS and lemma annotations and the respective target hypotheses (POS &
have been added.

The corpus is freely available under the following link:


The annotation guidelines can be found here:

schung/falko/Falko-Handbuchv2.0.pdf Linguistic Field: Language
Acquisition, Text/Corpus Linguistics

Marc Reznicek
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Marc.Reznicek at hu-berlin.de
Tel: +49 (0)30 2093-9727
Dorotheenstr.24, 10099 Berlin
Raum 3.310

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