[Corpora-List] Last CfP: The 1st International Workshop on Advances in Multilingual Coreference Resolution (AMCR 2013)

Desislava Zhekova zhekova at uni-bremen.de
Mon Jun 17 15:29:15 UTC 2013

The 1st International Workshop on 
Advances in Multilingual Coreference Resolution 
(AMCR 2013)

We invite you to submit a paper/poster to the 1st International Workshop on Advances in Multilingual Coreference Resolution (AMCR 2013) to be held on September 12th/13th, 2013 at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2013), Hissar, Bulgaria.

The workshop's website is available under: http://cl.indiana.edu/~zhekova/amcr13

In the last couple of years, the interest in the area of Multilingual Coreference Resolution (MCR) has increased immensely. Two shared tasks (SemEval-2 Shared Task 1: Coreference Resolution in Multiple Languages in 2010 and the CoNLL Shared Task: Modeling Multilingual Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes in 2012) have set an excellent benchmark by releasing datasets for 8 different languages (SemEval: Catalan, Dutch, English, German, Italian and Spanish; CoNLL: Arabic, Chinese and English). Moreover, a wide range of multilingual systems have been developed within the framework of the tasks. We see a necessity for future research on the topic of MCR. The lack of existing workshops on the topic motivates our attempt to provide a possibility for the researchers interested specifically on multilinguality with respect to Coreference Resolution to present their work and results. 
The 1st International Workshop on Advances in Multilingual Coreference Resolution (AMCR 2013) workshop will welcome both theoretical and applied computational work regarding MCR. The submissions are expected to discuss theories, applications, evaluation, limitations, system development and techniques relevant to the AMCR topics. Papers that critically evaluate approaches or existing strategies will be especially welcome, as will new and innovative MCR system implementations. There will be a decisive focus on multilinguality for this workshop. Thus, submitted papers should cover at least one language other than English, preferably more. 

The scope of topics includes, but is not limited, to: 
* Statistical and rule-based approaches to Multilingual CR
* Availability of resources for Multilingual CR
* New resources for Multilingual CR
* CR for languages other than English
* Acquisition of world knowledge for improving Multilingual CR
* Empirical data analysis and comparison of the various annotation CR schemes
* CR across language families
* Event coreference for MCR
* Knowledge-poor and knowledge-rich approaches to Multilingual CR
* Mention detection for entities and events for Multilingual CR
* Language specific issues within the Multilingual CR task
* Parallel corpora for CR
* Submissions

All submitted papers must present substantial, original and not yet published research on a topic that is of interest to the AMCR workshop. The work could include, but is not limited to, detailed analysis and evaluation of proposed new approaches, extensive comparison of previously introduced methods or a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art of multilingual coreference resolution. The submissions will be assessed with respect to their relevance to the workshop, correctness, originality, implementation (if applicable) and significance.

The AMCR 2013 workshop, as part of the RANLP 2013 conference, will accommodate all style requirements for submissions listed on the RANLP's submission page. Please, use these style files, as papers that do not conform to the requirements will not be accepted at the AMCR 2013 workshop. The papers will undergo a blind review process, thus, authors' names, affiliations and self-references that reveal the author's identity must be avoided. Papers that do not conform to any of the above described requirements will be instantly rejected.

Accepted will be the following three formats:

LONG PAPERS: This type of submissions should be no longer than eight (8) content pages. References are not considered as content and may be included with up to two (2) additional pages. Long papers must be presented orally during the workshop session and will be included in the workshop proceedings. Page limits must be strictly observed.

SHORT PAPERS: Short papers should be no longer than four (4) content pages as well as up to two (2) additional pages of references. Short papers will be presented as posters and will be included in the workshop proceedings. Page limits must be strictly observed.

POSTERS: Additionally, the AMCR 2013 workshop will accept posters for the poster session, which will not lead to a publication, but would allow the authors to present and discuss relevant work with the workshop participants. Poster presenters are asked to submit a half page description of the poster.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 3 July 2013
Notification of acceptance: 2 August 2013
Camera-ready copies due: 16 August 2013
Submission of poster descriptions: 31 August 2013
Workshop date: 12/13 September 2013

Program Committee

Anders Björkelund,	University of Stuttgart, Germany
Jie Cai, Microsoft Search Technology Center Asia (STCA), China
Veronique Hoste, Ghent University, Belgium
Hamidreza Kobdani, Cilarix GmbH, Germany
Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Alessandro Moschitti, University of Trento, Italy 
Vincent Ng, University of Texas, USA
Massimo Poesio, University of Essex, UK
Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Sameer Pradhan, Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA
Altaf Rahman, University of Texas, USA
Marta Recasens, Google Research, USA 
Arndt Riester, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Olga Uryupina, University of Trento, Italy 
Yannick Versley, University of Tübingen, Germany
Heike Zinsmeister, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Organising Committee

Desislava Zhekova
CIS, University of Munich
Center for Information and Language Processing
Oettingenstrasse 67, C 106
80538 Munich, Germany
e-mail: zhekova at cis.uni-muenchen.de 
www: http://zhekova.net

Sandra Kübler
Indiana University
Department of Linguistics
Memorial Hall 322
1021 E Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
e-mail: skuebler at indiana.edu
www: http://cl.indiana.edu/~skuebler

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