[Corpora-List] Extended Deadline to March 10 - CfP ACL 2013 Student Research Workshop

Vecchi, Eva Maria evamaria.vecchi at unitn.it
Sat Mar 2 06:36:53 UTC 2013

ACL 2013 Student Research Workshop

5-7 August, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria

** Submission deadline: Sunday, March 10, 2013 **
General Invitation for Submissions
The ACL Student Research Workshop provides a venue for student researchers investigating topics in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing to present their research, to meet potential advisors, and to receive feedback from the international research community.
The workshop's goal is to aid students at multiple stages of their education: from those in the final stages of undergraduate training to those who are preparing their graduate thesis proposal. Towards this goal, we invite papers in two separate categories.

1. Thesis/Research Proposals: This category is appropriate for experienced students who wish to get feedback on their proposal and broader ideas for the field in order to strengthen their final research.

2. Research Papers: Most appropriate for students who are new to academic conferences. Papers in this category can describe completed work or work in progress with preliminary results.

Subject to the availability of established researcher volunteers, each accepted paper will be assigned a mentor, who will provide feedback on the work to the student at the conference. Details on this service will be provided in the acceptance notification.
Relevant topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following areas (in alphabetical order):

 *   Cognitive modeling of language processing and psycholinguistics
 *   Dialogue and interactive systems
 *   Discourse, coreference and pragmatics
 *   Evaluation methods
 *   Information retrieval
 *   Language resources
 *   Lexical semantics and ontologies
 *   Low resource language processing
 *   Machine translation: methods, applications and evaluation
 *   Multilinguality in NLP
 *   NLP applications
 *   NLP and creativity
 *   NLP for the languages of Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans
 *   NLP for the Web and social media
 *   Question answering
 *   Semantics
 *   Sentiment analysis, opinion mining and text classification
 *   Spoken language processing
 *   Statistical and Machine Learning methods in NLP
 *   Summarization and generation
 *   Syntax and parsing
 *   Tagging and chunking
 *   Text mining and information extraction
 *   Word segmentation

Submission Guidelines
Submission is electronic using the conference management software at: https://www.softconf.com/acl2013/srw/. For the detailed guidelines see our site: https://sites.google.com/site/aclsrw2013/submission-guidelines
Important Dates

 *   Submission deadline: March 3, 2013
 *   Notification of acceptance: April 24, 2013
 *   Camera-ready submission deadline: May 24, 2013
 *   Conference dates: August 5-7, 2013 (The workshop will be held during the main conference, in a mode similar to the conference’s regular sessions.)

Travel Funding
We will be able to provide student authors of accepted papers with a limited amount of travel support. Details on how to apply for this will be part of the acceptance notification distributed in April 2013.
Organising Committee
Student Chairs

 *   Anik Dey, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
 *   Sebastian Krause, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
 *   Ivelina Nikolova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
 *   Eva Vecchi, Università di Trento

Faculty Advisors

 *   Steven Bethard, University of Colorado Boulder & KU Leuven
 *   Preslav I. Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute
 *   Feiyu Xu, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

Program Committee
See our site: https://sites.google.com/site/aclsrw2013/program-committee
acl-srw-2013 at googlegroups.com<http://googlegroups.com>
(Note: This e-mail address is configured as a contact address, only read by the workshop organizers. It is not a public mailing or discussion list.)


We apologize if you receive duplicates of this CFP.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.
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