[Corpora-List] BioNLP Shared Task 2013 extended schedule

Pierre Zweigenbaum pz at limsi.fr
Tue Mar 12 15:09:43 UTC 2013

BioNLP Shared Task 2013 extended schedule

We are pleased to announce an extended schedule of BioNLP-ST 2013 as

06 April        Release of test data sets
13 April        Deadline for results submission
16 April        Notification of evaluation results
26 April        Deadline for paper submission

According to the new schedule, the test phase will begin in a month (4
weeks) from now.

Please check out the supporting resources such as syntactic
parses, entity mention annotations and token lemmatisation at:


and evaluation tools and/or services at individual task home pages
which are accessible from:


We wish you find the extended schedule convenient for a more effective
participation of you. More detail about the tasks and how to
participate is included below.

Best Wishes,

BioNLP-ST 2013 organizers

The six BioNLP-ST 2013 event extraction tasks are

- [GE] Genia Event Extraction for NFkB knowledge base construction
- [CG] Cancer Genetics
- [PC] Pathway Curation
- [GRO] Corpus Annotation with Gene Regulation Ontology
- [RNB] Gene Regulation Network in Bacteria
- [BB] Microorganism Biotope (semantic annotation by an ontology)

Registration for participation to the BioNLP Shared Task is required.
Registration is open at the BioNLP Shared Task 2013 website:

Please register with the bionlp-st.org list for regular email update
by sending an e-mail to majordomo at bionlp-st.org with 'subscribe
bionlp-st' in the body of the message. Registered people will be
updated with frequent news about the shared task, e.g. release of
supporting tools, resources, revisions, or other news.

The BioNLP ST workshop will take place on August 9 and will be
co-hosted with the ACL/HLT 2013 BioNLP  workshop, to be held in Sofia,
Bulgaria, August 8-9. Participants will be invited to submit
manuscripts describing their  systems to the BioNLP ST workshop.

For further information, please see the shared task website

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