[Corpora-List] Question: Citing Linguistic Corpora

DJamé Seddah djame.seddah at free.fr
Mon Mar 18 12:01:40 UTC 2013

> PS2:
>  the idea of assigning ISLRN to resources should not prevent us from pushing
> our colleagues to use it ... we noticed that even when a good reference exist,
> many authors do not use it

I might be wrong but it must have something to do with the cost and/or licensing scheme of such resources. 

Anyway, maybe the problem also lies in the way such data are indexed in most search engines.
Try "corpus oral franças"  in google (fr) and bing , you'll see no elra data (no LDC either) before the 4 or 5th pages.
Now, just add elra to the search engine request and one can get some pointers to useful corpora quite quicly.

What would be great would be to make all those catalogue descriptions available through a common portal (like lingwikior something)
and this portal would act as a proxy toward specific data source in people's requests (eg. "corpus oral français lingwiki").
Or someone could create a special search engine field for firefox or else, which would target known data source. You get the idea.


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