[Corpora-List] International Conference on , "pS-prominenceS. Prominences in Linguistics"

Fabio Tamburini fabio.tamburini at unibo.it
Thu May 2 11:57:05 UTC 2013

Dear colleagues, We are glad to announce

The International Conference on
"pS-prominenceS. Prominences in Linguistics",
held at the University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy) on December 12-13, 2013.
Conference site:

Prominence is the name of a way to analyse the linguistic phenomena: the
idea that a well- formedness condition of linguistic constituents relies
on the existence of a dependency between a hierarchically higher-level
obligatory element (sometimes referred to as the “head”) and one or more
subordinate and optional elements (the domain of the head). This
condition operates in many components or structures of the grammar:
syntax, morphology, pragmatics, metric, and intonation. In short, the
prominence is a matter of interface. To this effect we propose a meeting
on all these different fields of study. The goal is to test this
epistemological concern and to compare approaches and definitions. The
concept of prominence holds a plurality of meanings, but they may relate
to diverse linguistic approaches and are not always compatible.
According to some scholars, the prominence is a fact of perception,
which is not well specified and concerns the linguistic marking of some
pragmatically relevant categories (focus, topic, given/new, etc). Others
believe it is the name of a metric phenomenon (calculated as the sum of
“strong” constituents on the branches of a metric tree: strong syllable,
strong feet, strong phonological word, etc). For other scholars the
prominence is a phonological feature which is associated with some
points of the intonation contour (where the Pitch Accents are located).
According to others, it is a pretty metalinguistic fact, due to the
governance relationship of a constituent on its domain (the head of a
phrase, of a compound, or of a morphological construct in general). This
plurality of meanings not always triggers unambiguous uses of the term.
Sometimes, the individual researcher is not aware of which particular
definition of prominence he is implicitly adopting. This makes it
difficult to dialogue with other scholars, who belong to other sectors
of the vast landscape of language studies. During the Viterbo Conference
a Round Table will be organized in order to put scholars from different
backgrounds (syntax, morphology, prosody, phonetics, phonology,
pragmatics) side by side. The goal is to highlight similarities and
differences in the use and in the implicit definition of prominence.
Each of the participants in the Panel would be entrusted with a specific
field (syntax, morphology, intonation, speech technologies, metrics and
- Giuliano Bocci and Cinzia Avesani (Which psychological plausibility
   for a theory of phonological prosodic prominence?);
- Emanuela Cresti (The semantic prominence within information units in
   the pragmatics of spoken language);
- Amedeo De Dominicis (The model of multiple prominences);
- Francesca Masini & Sergio Scalise (The notion of head in morphology);
- Raffaele Simone (Untitled contribution in the field of prominence in
- Fabio Tamburini (Automatic identification of the prominence by means
   of acoustic analyses).

Keynote speakers:

- Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud University Nijmegen)
   Prominence and phonology.
- Anders Eriksson (University of Gothenburg)
   Perceptual syllable prominence as a function of the language of the
   samples and the language of the listener.
- Melanie Bell (Anglia Ruskin University)
   Untitled contribution in the field of morphology.
- Iørn Korzen (Copenhagen University)
   Text pragmatic prominence and topicality. Four hierarchies regarding
   the topic suitability of nominal constituents.
- Ralf Vogel (University of Bielefeld)
   Prominence patterns in syntax - motivated by its interfaces?

We invite submissions that deal with the following topics:
- issues of the linguistic prominence in phonetics and perception;
- issues of the linguistic prominence in metrical phonology;
- issues of the linguistic prominence in intonation phonology;
- theoretical and metalinguistic issues of the linguistic prominence;
- syntactical issues of the notion of the linguistic prominence;
- morphological issues of the notion of the linguistic prominence;
- pragmatic issues of the notion of the linguistic prominence;
- speech technology models of the linguistic prominence;
- history of the notion of prominence in linguistics.

Important dates: Conference: December 12-13, 2013 (with a possible
extension to December 14, depending on the number of papers).
Deadline for abstract submission: May 15, 2013
Deadline for abstract acceptance notification: July 20, 2013
Deadline for reduced fee registration: August 30, 2013
Deadline for regular fee registration: September 30, 2013
Deadline for registration for participants with presentations: October
30, 2013 Deadline for submission of full paper: April 15, 2014

We look forward to seeing you in Viterbo in December!

Codice Fiscale: 80007010376

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