[Corpora-List] SemEval 2014 Task #9 -- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

Preslav Nakov preslavn at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 17:07:41 UTC 2013


Sentiment Analysis in Twitter

SemEval 2014 Task #9




We propose a sentiment analysis task and the development of a twitter
sentiment corpus to promote research that will lead to a better
understanding of how sentiment is conveyed in tweets and texts. *This is a
rerun of SemEval-2013 task 2 (Nakov et al, 2013) with new test data from
(i) Twitter and (ii) another (surprise) genre.*

There will be two sub-tasks: an expression-level task and a message-level
task; participants may choose to participate in either or both tasks.

- Task A: Contextual Polarity Disambiguation

Given a message containing a marked instance of a word or phrase from a
sentiment lexicon, determine whether that instance is positive, negative or
neutral in that context.

- Task B: Message Polarity Classification

Given a message and its topic, classify whether the message is of positive,
negative, or neutral sentiment towards the topic. For messages conveying
both a positive and negative sentiment toward the topic, whichever is the
stronger sentiment should be chosen.



Trial data ready October 30, 2013

Training data ready December 15, 2013 [TBC]

Test data ready March 10, 2014 [TBC]

Evaluation start March 15, 2014 [TBC]

Evaluation end March 30, 2014 [TBC]

Paper submission due April 30, 2014 [TBC]

Paper reviews due May 30, 2014 [TBC]

Camera ready due June 30, 2014 [TBC]

SemEval workshop August 23-30, 2014 [TBC]



The Semeval-2014 Task #9 website


If interested in the task please join the Google group

semevaltweet at googlegroups.com

To register for participation




Sara Rosenthal, Columbia University
Alan Ritter, The Ohio State University
Veselin Stoyanov, Facebook

Preslav Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute
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