[Corpora-List] CfP: Epistemic stance and evidentiality: Corpus and discourse approaches to subjectivity and intersubjectivity

Alon Lischinsky alischinsky at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 09:25:02 UTC 2013

(With apologies for cross-posting)

Call for papers
Epistemic stance and evidentiality: Corpus and discourse approaches to
subjectivity and intersubjectivity
47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Posnan, Poland

Theme session - Call for Papers

This theme session focuses on epistemic and evidential expressions for
stance taking. The approach adopted here will be data-driven, with
special use of corpora and/or discourse analysis. Modalised
utterances, such as epistemic and evidential constructions, convey
information about the speaker's assertions and attitudes in an
interactive context. They can, therefore, be understood in terms of
subjectivity, intersubjectivity, and objectivity. The direct
subjective expression of a speaker's cognitive state (e.g., I think, I
believe, I know, etc.) and the objective evidential expression of the
perceived situation (e.g., it seems, it looks, it appears etc.) are
both fundamental to understanding language use and the
intersubjectivity of communication. Indeed, these three dimensions,
the personal (subjective), interpersonal (intersubjective), and
impersonal (objective), play a crucial role in the interaction between
the source of knowledge/perception and the degree of certainty.

Epistemic and evidential language is central to understanding and
accounting for the construal and conception of scenes as well as the
functions and intentions of utterances. The nature of this research
places it at the crossroads of Cognitive and Functional Linguistics.
The workshop seeks to advance an already established tradition through
integrating these cognitive and functional frameworks.

The workshop will build on the work by Benveniste (1971), Langacker
(1985, 1987), Traugott (1989), Guentchéva (1996), Nuyts (2001), Mushin
(2001), Brisard (2002), Scheibman (2002), Kärkkäinen (2003), Verhagen
(2005), Cornillie (2007), Engelbretson (2007), Simon-Vandenbergen &
Aijmer (2007), Ekberg & Paradis (2009), Hunston (2010), and others
(see references).

We invite contributions dealing with topics related to epistemicity
and evidentiality in relation to questions of (inter)subjectivity and
objectivity in an intra- and interlinguistic context. Examples of
research areas include, but are not restricted to:

-    Assessment / operationalisation of the (inter)subjective
dimension of epistemicity and evidentiality
-    The role of assertion in utterance modalisation
-    Constructions and strategies available for speakers in stance taking
-      Different meanings of epistemic expressions (e.g., the multiple
meanings of think)
-      Cross-linguistic studies in epistemicity and evidentiality
-      Interactive framing and construal of stance taking
-      Adverbial and adjectival expressions of stance and evidentiality
-      Constructions and grammatical patterns of epistemic and
evidential expressions (e.g., complementation types)
-      Discursive patterns of epistemicity and evidentiality
-      Prosody and intonation patterns in stance taking
-      Grammaticalization in epistemic expressions
-      Reported speech, modalisation markers and evidentiality


epictemicity, evidentiality, subjectivity, intersubjectivity,
discourse and conversation analysis, corpus linguistics, usage-based linguistics
Cognitive Linguistics, Enunciative Functional Linguistics, Systemic
Functional Linguistics

Instructions for abstract submissions:

- Short abstracts of 300 words (excluding references) should clearly
specify the (i) research question(s), (ii) method and data, and (iii)
the (expected) results.
- Abstracts should be sent to: epistemicitySLE2014 at gmail.com
- Please use a modifiable file format such as .doc, .rtf, or .odt

For further information, please contact the session convenors

Françoise Doro-Mégy: fdoro at free.fr
Dylan Glynn: dglynn at univ-paris8.fr
Karolina Krawczak: karolina at wa.amu.edu.pl


Deadline: November, 25th
Notification: November, 30th

If accepted, longer abstracts of 500 words (excluding references) will
need to be submitted separately to the central conference organisers
by the 15th January 2014

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