[Corpora-List] DEADLINE EXTENDED: Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop, 4-6 December, Brisbane, Australia

Karin Verspoor karin.verspoor at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 12:22:27 UTC 2013


(extended) Submission deadline: 22 September 2013

We are pleased to announce a deadline extension for ALTA 2013!

Please pass on the information on this extension.


Eleventh Annual Meeting


Tutorials: 4 December 2013

Workshop: 5-6 December 2013

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

This year the Australasian Language Technology Workshop (ALTA) will be

held at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Queensland,

Australia on Wednesday 4 December - Friday 6 December. This event will

be the eleventh annual instalment of the ALTA Workshop in its current

incarnation, and the continuation of an annual workshop series that has

existed under various guises since the early 90s. The meeting returns to

Australia after a successful international event in Dunedin, New Zealand

in 2012.

The goals of the ALTA workshop are:

   -to bring together the growing Language Technology (LT) community

   in the Australasian region and encourage interactions;

   -to encourage interactions and collaboration within this community

   and with the wider international LT community;

   -to foster interaction between academic and industrial

   researchers, to encourage dissemination of research results;

   -to provide a forum for students and young researchers to present

   their research;

   -to facilitate the discussion of new and ongoing research and


   -to provide an opportunity for the broader artificial intelligence

   community to become aware of local LT research; and, finally,

   -to increase visibility of LT research in Australasia and


----- TOPICS -----

We invite the submission of papers on original and unpublished research

on all aspects of natural language processing, including, but not

limited to:

   -phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse;

   -speech understanding and generation;

   -interpreting spoken and written language;

   -natural language generation;

   -linguistic, mathematical, and psychological models of language;

   -NLP-based information extraction and retrieval;

   -corpus-based and statistical language modelling;

   -machine translation and translation aids;

   -question answering and information extraction;

   -natural language interfaces and dialogue systems;

   -natural language and multimodal systems;

   -message and narrative understanding systems;

   -evaluations of language systems;

   -embodied conversational agents;

   -computational lexicography;


   -language resources;

   -topic modelling and unsupervised language analysis;

   -social media analysis and processing;

   -domain-specific adaptation of natural language processing algorithms.


We are very pleased to announce that we have two exciting speakers

from the University of Edinburgh (UK) lined up: Bonnie Webber and Mark


Mark's presentation is "The Future of Semantic Parser Induction".

Bonnie's presentation title is TBA.

----- TUTORIALS -----

We have two excellent tutorials lined up for December 4:

"Working with the HCS vLab"

Steve Cassidy (Macquarie University)

Dominique Estival (University of Western Sydney)

This interactive tutorial will introduce the Human Communication

Science Virtual Laboratory (http://hcsvlab.org.au/) and demonstrate

how Australian LT researchers can take advantage of the tools and

resources there.

"Applying Wikipedia as a machine-readable knowledge base"

David Milne (CSIRO)

This interactive tutorial will instruct participants on how to work

with Wikipeda, and how to use Wikipedia to augment and enhance other

textual information sources; to help to understand more about those

other documents.

For more information, please see


----- SUBMISSIONS -----

We welcome submissions on any topic that is of interest to the LT

community, and particularly encourage submissions that broaden the scope

of our community through the consideration of practical LT applications

and through multi-disciplinary research. We also specifically encourage

submissions from industry.

Submissions will be through EasyChair:


All submissions should follow the ACL 2013 style guidelines and must be

in PDF format.

Full paper submissions may consist of up to eight (8) pages of content

plus any number of pages consisting of only references. Short papers may

consist of up to four (4) pages of content plus any number of pages

consisting of only references. All submissions should follow the

two-column format of ACL proceedings. Full papers will be distinguished

from short papers in the proceedings.

Papers will be presented either orally or as posters at the workshop.

There will be no distinction between papers presented orally and those

presented as posters in the proceedings.

Reviewing of papers will be double-blind. Therefore, the paper must not

include the authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore,

self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously

showed (Smith, 1991) ...", must be avoided. Instead, use citations such

as "Smith (1991) previously showed ...". Papers not conforming to these

requirements will be rejected without review.

We strongly recommend the use of the ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft

Word Style files tailored for this year's conference. The style files

and example documents will be available from the workshop website. We

reserve the right to reject submissions that do not conform to these

styles including font and page size restrictions.

----- PROCEEDINGS -----

The full proceedings volume will have an ISSN and will be published

online on the ACL anthology website as well as the website of the

Australasian Language Technology Association (ALTA).


Due to the generous support of our sponsors, ALTA will be offering

travel support for students to attend and present at ALTA 2013. We

will provide details of this on the workshop website at a later date.


   Submission deadline: 22 September 2013 (23:59 GMT +10:00)

   Notification: Tuesday 22 October 2013

   Final camera-ready copy: Monday 4 November 2013

   ALTA Workshop: Thursday 5 December -- Friday 6 December 2013

------ COMMITTEE -----

Workshop co-chairs

   Karin Verspoor (NICTA)

   Sarvnaz Karimi (CSIRO)

Program committee

   Timothy Baldwin (University of Melbourne)

   Steven Bird (University of Melbourne)

   Wray Lindsay Buntine (NICTA)

   Lawrence Cavedon (NICTA and RMIT University)

   Nathalie Colineau (CSIRO)

   Dominique Estival (University of Western Sydney)

   Graeme Hirst (University of Toronto)

   Nitin Indurkhya (UNSW)

   Su Nam Kim (Monash University)

   Francois Lareau (Macquarie University)

   Andrew MacKinlay (NICTA VRL)

   David Martinez (NICTA VRL)

   Meladel Mistica (The Australian National University)

   Diego Molla (Macquarie University)

   Scott Nowson (Xerox Research Centre Europe)

   Cecile Paris (CSIRO)

   Luiz Augusto Pizzato (University of Sydney)

   Andrea Schalley (Griffith University)

   Rolf Schwitter (Macquarie University)

   Hanna Suominen (NICTA)

   Stephen Wan (CSIRO)

   Ingrid Zukerman (Monash University)

Workshop local organiser

   We are pleased to be working with Laurianne Sitbon (Queensland

   University of Technology) from ADCS to organise the co-located


----- SPONSORSHIP -----

We are pleased to announce that we have already secured sponsorship

for the workshop from NICTA (National ICT Australia) and Google.

If you or your organisation are interested in sponsoring the ALTA

Workshop, please contact the workshop organisers for information.

----- ENQUIRIES -----

The Australasian Language Technology Workshop is being organised by

ALTA, the Australasian Language Technology Association. For any comments

or questions about the workshop please contact the workshop organisers

(workshop at alta.asn.au).

----- ALTA Membership -----

We invite anyone interested in language technology research and

development in Australia and New Zealand to join ALTA by subscribing

to the ALTA mailing list. You will then receive periodic announcements

by the ALTA Executive Committee about forthcoming activities and

resources of the Association. For more information and to sign up,

please see http://www.alta.asn.au/mailing_lists/index.html or simply

send an email to <alta-announce+subscribe at googlegroups.com>.

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