[Corpora-List] In memoriam of Jean V éronis
pap at limsi.fr
Fri Sep 13 00:40:32 UTC 2013
Thanks for posting the following message on the corpora list.
A great figure of French Natural Language Processing and Linguistics is
We are sorry to inform you that Jean Véronis accidentally died on September
8th 2013.
When he was elected president of the French association
for Natural Language Processing (ATALA) in 2000, Jean Véronis was already
internationally renown for his contributions to multilingual lexical
in the context of MULTEXT and for his involvement in the evaluation
As soon as he was elected as head of ATALA, Jean took important decisions,
like when he decided to switch from a paper publication
to an open and free electronic distribution for the revue "Traitement
des Langues" (TAL), published at that time by Hermès.
His choice is one among the many proofs that Jean has left us
throughout his career, of his dedication to promote free access to
on Internet.
Another of his achievements, was the creation of the blog AixTAL
through which he made the general public more familiar with Natural
Processing, for instance with his study of the vocabulary used by
In return, his blog made him known outside of the academic world.
We are very proud to have had Jean Véronis as a president and we are
to him for his commitment, during all this years, to improve the
that the general public had of the research done by ATALA's members.
The Natural Language Processing community is
mourning a man of conviction and one of its best advocates.
InMemoriamAixTAL (http://inmemoriamaixtal.blog4ever.com/) is a blog
created by ATALA's members in honour of Jean Véronis. We wish to
collect testimonies of people who have known him or collaborated with
him, either face to face or through Internet. Once collected the
messages will
be communicated to his family.
On behalf of ATALA,
Patrick Paroubek.
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