[Corpora-List] [last call] ACL 2014 Workshop on Semantic Parsing (deadline: 4/4)

Yoav Artzi yoav at cs.washington.edu
Tue Apr 1 16:54:27 UTC 2014

This is the last call for submissions for the ACL 2014 Workshop on Semantic

The call is for extended abstracts, which may describe new work, ongoing
research, existing work, and/or speculative research directions. Three
exceptional submissions will be awarded Google Exceptional Submission

The workshop will also include invited talks by:
Marco Baroni (Trento)
Kevin Knight (USC/ISI)
Percy Liang (Stanford)
Raymond Mooney (UT Austin)
Hoifung Poon (MSR)
Mark Steedman (Edinburgh)
Stefanie Tellex (Brown)
Luke Zettlemoyer (UW)


ACL 2014 Workshop on Semantic Parsing (SP14)
June 26, 2014
Baltimore, MD

Semantic parsers map sentences to formal representations of their
underlying meaning. Recently, algorithms have been developed to learn to
recover increasingly expressive representations with ever weaker forms of
supervision. These advances have enabled many applications, including
question answering, relation extraction, robot control, interpreting
instructions, and generating programs.

This workshop, collocated with ACL 2014, aims to achieve two goals. First,
to bring together researchers in the field to discuss the state of the art
and opportunities for future research. Second, to create a stage for
presenting the variety of current approaches, thereby providing a unique
opportunity for new entrants to the field.

== Invited Speakers ==

Marco Baroni (Trento)
Kevin Knight (USC/ISI)
Percy Liang (Stanford)
Raymond Mooney (UT Austin)
Hoifung Poon (MSR)
Mark Steedman (Edinburgh)
Stefanie Tellex (Brown)
Luke Zettlemoyer (UW)

== Call for Submissions ==

Submissions are encouraged to discuss visionary and adventurous research
directions. Three exceptional submissions will be awarded Google
Exceptional Submission Awards. All accepted submissions will be presented
as posters. Additionally, a small number of selected submissions will be
presented orally.

We seek submissions of 2-4 page abstracts on semantic parsing. Topics of
interest include, but not limited to:
- Situated language understanding in interactive systems, such as question
answering, robot control and interpreting instructions.
- Algorithms for learning semantic parsers.
- Efficient inference for semantic parsing.
- Using compositional distributional semantic representations and methods
for semantic parsing.
- Logical representations of language and their use in learned systems.
- Semantic parsing for information extraction.
- Using semantic parsers for other NLP tasks, such as machine translation,
co-reference resolution and summarization.
- Using semantic parsing methods and representations for language
- Novel domains and resources for training and evaluating semantic parsers.

- Using tools, such as morphology analyzers and taggers, to improve
semantic parsing.

Each submission must be anonymized and contain a title and abstract text.
Abstracts on work published or submitted elsewhere are welcome. Please
submit your papers at https://www.softconf.com/acl2014/SP14/

To encourage inclusiveness and the presentation of speculative and recent
work, inclusion in the conference proceedings is optional.

== Important Dates ==

* 4 April 2014 (11:59pm, GMT-12:00): Abstracts due
* 21 April 2014: Notification of acceptance
* 28 April 2014: Camera-ready and final abstracts due
* 26 June 2014: Workshop Dates

== Organizers ==

Yoav Artzi (UW)
Tom Kwiatkowski (UW)
Jonathan Berant (Stanford)

== Steering Committee ==

Percy Liang (Stanford)
Jakob Uszkoreit (Google)
Luke Zettlemoyer (UW)

== Program Committee ==

John Blitzer (Google)
Johan Bos (Groningen)
Qingqing Cai (Temple)
Stephen Clark (Cambridge)
Dipanjan Das (Google)
Anthony Fader (UW)
Nicholas FitzGerald (UW)
Dan Goldwasser (Maryland)
Jayant Krishnamurthy (CMU)
Nate Kushman (MIT)
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh)
Smaranda Muresan (Columbia)
Hoifung Poon (MSR)
Siva Reddy (Edinburgh)
Dan Roth (UIUC)
Andreas Vlachos (Cambridge)
Alexander Yates (Temple)

== Sponsor ==

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