[Corpora-List] CALL FOR WORKSHOPS - ACML '14

Lu Wei wei_lu at sutd.edu.sg
Fri Apr 4 14:25:43 UTC 2014


The 6th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2014) solicits proposals for workshops to be held on 26 November 2014, at Nha Trang City, Vietnam. As an essential complement to the main conference, workshops aim to provide a focused and interactive forum for researchers and practitioners from machine learning and related areas to share novel ideas and results, discuss emerging topics and issues, and identify open problems and challenges, among others.

Each workshop will be run on a full-day or half-day basis, whose contents are at the discretion of the workshop organizers, with possible ingredients such as invited talks, oral/poster presentations, panels, competitions, demos, etc. Workshop organizers are expected to attract good submissions, invite speakers/experts in the targeted domain, set up the workshop program, and maintain a website for the workshop.

Important Dates

Workshop proposal due: 28 April, 2014
Decision notification: 26 May, 2014
Workshop website due: 26 June, 2014
Workshop program due: 6 October, 2014
Workshop date: 26 November, 2014

Proposal Guidelines

Workshop proposal should be submitted in a self-contained PDF file, which clearly specifies the following:

Workshop title
Topic(s) to be addressed
Length - full-day or half-day
Motivation, impact, and expected outcomes
Expected attendance (potential invited speakers, potential participants, etc.)
Workshop organizer(s) (name, affiliation, email, and biography for each organizer)
Related publications to the workshop
Workshop proposals will be evaluated by workshop co-chairs and conference organizers based on its relevance, quality and creativity, with an eye on the overall balance of the workshop and main conference programs.


Workshop proposals from outside the Asia-Pacific region are highly encouraged.
A joint tutorial-workshop format is also encouraged, where a short tutorial is given ahead of the workshop which can help the audience better understand the state-of-the-art of the topic(s) addressed by the workshop. In this case, please also send a separate tutorial proposal to ACML 2014 tutorial chairs.

Submission and Contact

Workshop proposals should be submitted via email in PDF format to the workshop co-chairs (zhangml at seu.edu.cn<mailto:zhangml at seu.edu.cn> [Dr. Min-Ling Zhang]; with cc to luwei at sutd.edu.sg<mailto:luwei at sutd.edu.sg> [Dr. Wei Lu]) by 28 April, 2014. You are expected to have an acknowledgement email once your proposal submission has been successfully received by us.

In case you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to your proposals.

ACML 2014 Workshop Co-Chairs:

Min-Ling Zhang (Southeast University, China; zhangml at seu.edu.cn<mailto:zhangml at seu.edu.cn>)

Wei Lu (Singapore University of Technology and Design; luwei at sutd.edu.sg<mailto:luwei at sutd.edu.sg>)?

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