[Corpora-List] New Informer - Summer 2014
Kruschwitz, Udo
udo at essex.ac.uk
Mon Aug 4 12:44:03 UTC 2014
Informer: Summer 2014 Issue Out Now!
By Udo Kruschwitz
Another edition of Informer? Are people not still hotly debating the issues we raised in the spring edition? Well, it’s been three months. Time flies when you are getting old(ish). Welcome back! This time it’s a seriously short editorial. Let’s focus on the facts.
::: Read more at: http://irsg.bcs.org/informer/2014/07/editorial-11/
Feature Article: Mining search logs for usage patterns (Part 1)
By Tony Russell-Rose
As I mentioned in a previous post I’ve recently been looking into the challenges of search log analysis and in particular the prospects for deriving a ‘taxonomy of search sessions’. The idea is that if we can find distinct, repeatable patterns of behaviour in search logs then we can use these to better understand user needs and therefore deliver a more effective user experience.
::: Read more at: http://irsg.bcs.org/informer/2014/07/mining-search-logs-for-usage-patterns-part-1/
Conference Review: SIGIR 2014
By Marc Sloan
The 37th Annual SIGIR Conference was held at Gold Coast, Australia in July 2014. The conference was chaired by Shlomo Geva and Andrew Trotman and organised with support from QUT, RMIT, The University of Melbourne and The University of Otago. Located at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, the venue was just a 5 minute walk from 35 miles of beautiful Australian coastline.
::: Read more at: http://irsg.bcs.org/informer/2014/07/conference-review-sigir-2014/
Workshop Review: 1st Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR) workshop @ ECIR 2014
By Philipp Mayr
The 1st Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR) workshop @ECIR 2014 in Amsterdam (NL) aimed to engage with the IR community about possible links to bibliometrics and scholarly communication (see more detail in the editorial). Bibliometric techniques are not yet widely used to enhance retrieval processes in digital libraries, although they offer value-added effects for users. To give an example, recent approaches have shown the possibilities of alternative ranking methods based on citation analysis leading to an enhanced IR.
::: Read more at: http://irsg.bcs.org/informer/2014/07/1st-bibliometric-enhanced-information-retrieval-bir-workshop-ecir-2014/
Feature Article: 2014 Karen Sparck Jones Lecture – Wendy Hall
By John Tait
Professor Dame Wendy Hall of the University of Southampton was the 2014 IBM BCS Karen Sp?rck Jones Lecturer. The lecture celebrates the role of women in computing research, and Wendy took the opportunity to present a wide ranging lecture, using her own career as a framework within which to locate the many developments and changes in both computing and women’s place in the subject since she moved from mathematics to computing in the mid-1980s.
::: Read more at: http://irsg.bcs.org/informer/2014/07/2014-karen-sp%d3%93rck-jones-lecture-wendy-hall/
Events Summer 2014
By Andy Macfarlane
::: Read more at: http://irsg.bcs.org/informer/2014/07/events-summer-2014/
::: Opportunities for Authors :::
If you are an expert in information retrieval or any aspect of search who has strong writing skills, we invite you to contribute to Informer. Please send an article proposal to us at: irsg at bcs.org.
For more information about the BCS IRSG, please go to:
::: http://irsg.bcs.org/about.php
::: About Informer :::
Informer is the quarterly newsletter of the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group (IRSG). Its aim is to provide insights and inspiration to researchers and professionals working in all aspects of search and information retrieval. Our articles provide accessible and timely coverage of important topics, ranging from focused, practical advice, to concise overviews of broader topics, and to deeper, research-oriented articles and opinion pieces.
The IRSG is a Specialist Group of BCS. Its mission is to provide a focus for the European IR community, facilitate communication between researchers and practitioners and promote the adoption of IR research within industry. We host a major European conference (ECIR) and provide an associated programme of workshops, seminars and events. The IRSG is free to join via the BCS website, which provides access to further IR articles, events and resources.
BCS is the industry body for IT professionals. With members in over 100 countries around the world, BCS is the leading professional and learned society in the field of computers and information systems.
::: Visit Informer at http://irsg.bcs.org/informer/
::: If you have comments, questions, or suggestions for Informer, please contact us at irsg at bcs.org.uk
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