[Corpora-List] Second call: Exploring Historical Sources with Language Technology

Martin Wynne martin.wynne at it.ox.ac.uk
Tue Aug 26 16:31:58 UTC 2014

An international workshop will take place at the Huygens Institute for 
the History of the Netherlands, and is the joint effort of two major 
Europe-wide initiatives: CLARIN (Common Language Resource and Tools 
Infrastructure) and NeDiMAH (Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and 
Humanities). Applications are invited from those you would like to 
attend, or present a paper.

The goal of the workshop is to demonstrate how the application of 
language technology has produced a new understanding of texts in 
different fields of Humanities. The proliferation of digital resources 
in the Humanities is leading to the elaboration of new methods, 
concepts, and theories by means of which researchers can query and 
interpret large-scale textual collections. The workshop will bring 
together researchers who already apply language technology, and those 
who would like to learn about the current state of art in this new and 
evolving area. The organizers invite researchers (especially early 
career scholars) who plan to apply language technology but do not 
already have the necessary skills and technical background. The second 
main goal of the workshop is to enhance exchange of experiences, 
disseminate know-how, and to explore potential future collaborations.

/Keynote speaker/: Professor*Tony McEnery*(ESRC Centre for Corpus 
Approaches to Social Science <http://cass.lancs.ac.uk/>, Lancaster 
University). Other speakers to be confirmed.

If you would like to participate, you have until 3 September 2014 to 
apply for a place. Please complete this simple online form 
(http://bit.ly/explorehistory), where you are asked for some details and 
a short statement of the reasons for your interest in participating. 
Thanks to generous funding from NeDiMAH and CLARIN, participation will 
be free of charge, and funds will be available to reimburse travel and 
accommodation expenses for a number of participants. NeDiMAH is funded 
by the European Science Foundation (ESF).

If you would like to submit a proposal to give a presentation at the 
workshop on your research results, please send it by email 
toexploringhistory at clarin.eu <mailto:exploringhistory at clarin.eu>by 17:00 
CET on Friday 3rd September 2014. Proposals for presentations should be 
400-500 words in length. This is not essential for participation, and if 
you do not submit a presentation, you will still have a chance to give a 
short presentation of your work, or to ask questions. Proposals should 
focus on research results, not descriptions of projects, resources or 

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the event.

Martin Wynne
IT Services, University of Oxford
Oxford e-Research Centre
Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics
Director of User Involvement, CLARIN ERIC

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