[Corpora-List] Learning Semantics @ NIPS 2014: Call For Contributions

antoine.bordes at hds.utc.fr antoine.bordes at hds.utc.fr
Fri Aug 29 15:07:35 UTC 2014

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==== Learning Semantics @ NIPS 2014: Call For Contributions ====

The Learning Semantics Workshop will be held in conjunction with  
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) on December 12th, 2014,  
at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Canada.


== Overview ==

Understanding the semantic structure of unstructured data -- text,  
dialogs, images -- is a critical challenge given their central role in  
many applications, including question answering, dialog systems,  
information retrieval...  In recent years, there has been much  
interest in designing models and algorithms to automatically extract  
and manipulate these semantic representations from raw data.

Semantics is a diverse field. It encompasses extracting structured  
data from text and dialog data (knowledge base extraction, logical  
form extraction, information extraction), linguistic approaches to  
extract and compose representation of meaning, inference and reasoning  
over meaning representation based on logic or algebra. It also  
includes approaches that aims at grounding language by learning  
relations between language and visual observations, linking language  
to the physical world (e.g. through robotics, machine commands).  
Despite spanning different disciplines with seemingly incompatible  
views, these approaches to semantics all aims at enabling computers to  
evolve and interact with humans and the physical world in general.

The goal of the workshop is dual. First, we aim at gathering experts  
from the different fields of semantics to favor cross-fertilization,  
discussions and constructive debates. Second, we encourage invited  
speakers and participants to expose their future research directions,  
take position and highlight the key challenges the community need to  
face. The workshop devotes most of the program to panel sessions about  
future directions.

== Contributions ==

We welcome contributions (up to 4 pages abstract following the NIPS  
formatting guidelines) in the following areas and related topics:
- Word similarities and sense disambiguation
- Information and relation extraction
- Lexical and compositional semantics
- Learning semantic frames and semantic role labelling
- Grounded language learning
- Semantic representation for dialog understanding
- Visual scene understanding
- Multi-modal semantic representation and reasoning

Submission link:

== Important Dates ==

Submission Deadline:
-- Thursday October 17th @ 4:59 PM  EDT (UTC-4, Montreal Time)
Workshop Day:
-- Friday December 12th, or Saturday December 13th

== Program Highlights ==

-- Morning --

Machine Reasoning & Artificial Intelligence
Invited Speakers:
- Pedros Domingos (University of Washington)
- Tomas Mikolov (Facebook)
- Luke Zettlemoyer (University of Washington)

Natural Language Processing & Semantics from Text Corpora
Invited Speakers:
- Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge)
- Sebastian Riedel (University College London)
- Ivan Titov (University of Amsterdam) [tentative]

Contributed Posters

-- Afternoon --

Personal Assistants and Dialog Systems
Invited Speakers:
- Savas Parastatidis (Microsoft Cortana)
- William Tunstall-Pedoe (Amazon Evi) [tentative]

Reasoning from Visual Scenes
Invited Speakers:
- Alyosha Efros (UC Berkeley)
- Jeffrey Siskind (Purdue University)
- Larry Zitnik (Microsoft Research)

Contributed Posters

== Organizing Committee ==

Cédric Archambeau, Amazon
Antoine Bordes, Facebook
Léon Bottou, Microsoft
Chris Burges, Microsoft
David Grangier, Facebook

== Website ==


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