[Corpora-List] corpora of court trials or police interrogations

Martin Weisser weissermar at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 05:24:14 UTC 2014

Hi Hannah,
As no-one's actually provided any reference to English data yet, but 
reference has already been made to some US Supreme Court data, here's 
the link where you can get it:
http://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts.aspx .
Unfortunately, the transcript format is PDF, so you'll have to convert 
it, perhaps using the AntFileConverter (available from Laurence 
Anthony's software page at 
http://www.antlab.sci.waseda.ac.jp/software.html). You may still need to 
reformat the output a little, though, depending on what you want to do 
with the data.
And, if you're interested in looking at speech acts, you could try using 
DART (available from http://martinweisser.org/ling_soft.html#DART) to 
annotate the data automatically and analyse it.
Dr. phil. habil. Martin Weisser
Visiting Professor
School of English and Education
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
510006 Guangzhou
P.R. China
Web: martinweisser.org

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