[Corpora-List] Postdoc in IR at Idiap, Switzerland

Andrei Popescu-Belis andrei.popescu-belis at idiap.ch
Fri Jun 20 17:06:09 UTC 2014

Postdoctoral position in Information Retrieval (OP-20140616-125432)

Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland


We invite applications for a postdoctoral position at Idiap in 
information retrieval and natural language processing, for a technology 
transfer project funded by the Swiss Commission for Technology and 
Innovation (CTI / KTI, www.kti.admin.ch).

The postdoc will perform applied research on content-based document 
recommendation, term extraction, and named entity recognition, within 
Idiap’s NLP group, aiming for integration within the operational 
document retrieval system developed by our industrial partner for a 
large number of corporate customers.  The project also involves 
researchers working on interface design.

Candidates should hold a PhD degree in information retrieval, natural 
language processing, or a related field. Strong skills in programming 
and software development and an interest for technology transfer are 
expected.  While English is the main working language, knowledge of 
French would be an advantage.

The position is offered for 18 months.  Review of the applications will 
start immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The 
appointment should start on October 1st, 2014.

*How to apply*

Please fill in and submit your application through the Idiap online 
recruitment system, by clicking on the position’s title at 
http://www.idiap.ch/education-and-jobs or directly via 

*Contact information*

Further information about this position can be requested via the Idiap 
online recruitment system or by contacting Dr. Andrei Popescu-Belis 
(Andrei.Popescu-Belis at idiap.ch), head of Idiap’s NLP group 

*About the host institution*

Idiap is an independent, non-profit research institute recognized and 
supported by the Swiss Government, and affiliated with the Ecole 
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Geneva. 
  Idiap is located in the town of Martigny in Valais, a scenic region in 
the south of Switzerland, surrounded by the highest mountains of Europe, 
and offering exciting recreational activities, including hiking, 
climbing and skiing, as well as varied cultural activities. It is within 
close proximity to Geneva and Lausanne. Although Idiap is located in the 
French part of Switzerland, English is the working language. Free French 
lessons are provided.

Idiap offers competitive salaries and conditions at all levels in a 
young, dynamic, and multicultural environment. Idiap is an equal 
opportunity employer and is actively involved in the "Advancement of 
Women in Science" European initiative. The Institute maintains a 
principle of open competition (on the basis of merit) to appoint the 
best candidate, provides equal opportunity for all candidates, and 
equally encourage both genders to apply.


information retrieval, natural language processing, document 
recommendation, named entity recognition, term extraction

Andrei Popescu-Belis
Idiap Research Institute  |  tel: (41 27) 721 7729
Centre du Parc, CP 592    |  fax: (41 27) 721 7712
CH-1920 Martigny          |  name.surname at idiap.ch
Switzerland               |  www.idiap.ch/~apbelis

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