[Corpora-List] CfP: Visual Linguistics, Hannover -- extended deadline: 10th July

Noah Bubenhofer lists at bubenhofer.com
Sun Jun 29 14:53:19 UTC 2014

Apologies for cross-posting!

Herrenhäuser Symposium: Visual Linguistics. Theory and Application of
Visualization in Linguistics

November 19 - 21, 2014, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, Germany

Call for papers
Visualization as a means of illustration has a long tradition in
linguistics. Consider, for example, tree graphs for the representation
of syntactic interpretations, maps to display isoglosses and
keyword-in-context representations of corpus query results. With the
advent of corpora with billions of words and the establishment of
statistical, corpus linguistic methods and the possibility to dovetail
quantitative analysis with qualitative interpretive analysis to an
ideally iterative empirical-hermeneutic process, the subject has
recently received a new relevance and today provides for linguistics
both a great development opportunity and a great challenge.

The conference Visual Linguistics wants to face this challenge. Its aim
is to present a wide range of visualization approaches in linguistics
and related disciplines in the digital humanities and to discuss them in
particular with regard to their integration into methodologies and their
role in the process of gaining new scientific insights. The spectrum of
the invited contributions encompasses the whole range from history of
science and meta-theoretical considerations up to concrete applications,
implementations and techniques.

The three-day event is aimed at an
audience from the disciplines of linguistics, corpus linguistics,
digital humanities, computational linguistics, and related subjects.
Possible contributions are talks, posters and live demos. The
contributions will be peer reviewed by the program committee. Travel
grants covering travel and accomodation will be offered to all accepted

The conference key topics include (but are not limited to) the

- Theory of scientific visualization and diagrammatics
- New challenges of visualizations in the domains of digital humanities
and linguistics
- Methods and techniques of visualizations in linguistics and digital
- Traditional forms of visualizations in linguistics

To contribute please submit an abstract of 400 to 500 words in English
or German. The abstract has to be in PDF format and must not contain any
author names. Please send the abstract until June 30, 2014 to the
address symposium at visual-linguistics.net adding the following
information to the message body of your e-mail:

- Surname, first name
- Affiliation and position (phd student, researcher, professor etc.)
- Academic degree
- Type of your contribution: Talk or poster/live demo

The conference languages will be German and English.

Important dates
- Submission due: July 10, 2014
- Notification: July 30, 2014
- Conference: November 19-21, 2014

Organisation committee
- Dr. Noah Bubenhofer, Dresden Center for Digital Linguistics,
Technische Universität Dresden
- Dr. Marc Kupietz, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim

Program committee
- Prof. Dr. Miriam Butt, Universität Konstanz
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl, Universität Stuttgart
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Evert, Universität Erlangen
- Annette Hautli-Janisz, Universität Konstanz
- Prof. Dr. Marti Hearst, University of California, Berkeley
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Heyer, Universität Leipzig
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Martin Hilpert, Universität Neuchâtel
- Dr. Alexander Hinneburg, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
- Prof. Dr. Fotis Jannidis, Universität Würzburg
- Prof. Dr. Anke Lüdeling, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- Verena Lyding, MSc, EUR.AC Bolzano
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler, Universität Frankfurt
- Prof. Dr. John Nerbonne, Universität Groningen
- Dr. Christian Rohrdantz, Universität Konstanz
- Prof. Dr. Charlotte Schubert, Universität Leipzig
- Prof. Dr. Angelika Storrer, Universität Mannheim
- Prof. Dr. Elke Teich, Universität des Saarlands, Saarbrücken
- Prof. Dr. Heike Zinsmeister, Universität Hamburg

Financial support
The conference "Visual Linguistics" is financed byVolkswagenStiftung.

Further information:

Dr. Noah Bubenhofer
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
Dresden Center for Digital Linguistics // Professur für Angewandte Linguistik
Helmholtzstr. 10
01062 Dresden

noah.bubenhofer at tu-dresden.de
PGP Public Key: http://www.bubenhofer.com/keys/pgp_tud_pub.asc – ID 0x949293AE

Dresden Center for Digital Linguistics: http://linguistik.zih.tu-dresden.de
Persönliche Website: http://www.bubenhofer.com
Blog Sprechtakel: http://www.bubenhofer.com/sprechtakel/

Tel. +49 (0)351 463 38219
Mobil +49 (0)170 90 11 794
Fax +49 (0)351 463 37197
Sekretariat Tel. +49 (0)351 463 37591

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