[Corpora-List] List of open data and code from ACL 2014

Min-Yen Kan knmnyn at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 15:00:17 UTC 2014

Hi all:

This information is also indexed in the beta Anthology, whose
functionality is still being worked on.



Click on the search icon, and use the faceted browsing to select the
venue as ACL and the year as 2014.  You will see under the attachments
that there are 17 papers with datasets, 4 with software and 7 with
notes.  An express link to this is


William, Peter: You can also add the other relevant papers from other
workshops and conferences that the system reports (by starting the
search from the top (without the ACL and 2014 limits) to index in the
other attachments.

Hope that helps!


ACL Anthology Editor

Min-Yen KAN (Dr) :: Associate Professor :: National University of
Singapore :: NUS School of Computing, AS6 05-12, 13 Computing Drive
Singapore 117417 :: 65-6516 1885(DID) :: 65-6779 4580 (Fax) ::
kanmy at comp.nus.edu.sg (E) :: www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~kanmy (W)

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On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 3:27 PM, William Li <wpli at mit.edu> wrote:
> Thank you to everyone who made contributions to the document. There
> were 52 papers and talks that shared open source code and data.
> Peter Turney and I ported the data to the ACL wiki:
> http://wiki.aclweb.org/index.php?title=Resources_by_paper
> http://wiki.aclweb.org/index.php?title=ACL_2014_(Resources_by_paper)
> http://wiki.aclweb.org/index.php?title=CoNLL_2014_(Resources_by_paper)
> http://wiki.aclweb.org/index.php?title=TACL_2014_(Resources_by_paper)
> Regards,
> William
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 2:01 PM, William Li <wpli at mit.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Grzegorz,
>> Yes, it sounds like that's a good final place for it, and I can do that once
>> the document settles down.
>> For now, to avoid frictions with account creation, etc., I think the Google
>> Doc is probably a good first start. There are 17 papers so far.
>> Thanks,
>> William
>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Grzegorz Chrupała <pitekus at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> William, that's cool, but wouldn't it be better to put it on the ACL wiki?
>>> --
>>> Grzegorz Chrupała
>>> On Jun 25, 2014 12:08 PM, "William Li" <wpli at mit.edu> wrote:
>>>> Here is a publicly editable google doc for links to open data and code
>>>> from ACL 2014:
>>>> http://bit.ly/acl2014code
>>>> If you are at ACL 2014 (or are reading the papers), please consider
>>>> contributing to the document! Please help spread the word! (the ACL hashtag
>>>> is #acl14nlp)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> William Li
>>>> wli at csail.mit.edu
>>>> @williampli
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