[Corpora-List] Call for Submissions: ProDoc at DocEng, the Doctoral Consortium at the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

Cerstin Mahlow cerstin.mahlow at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu May 1 16:54:44 UTC 2014

ProDoc at DocEng
Doctoral Consortium at the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

Call for Submissions

Submission Deadline: June 1, 2014 (24:00 CEST)

Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2014


For the second time, the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering will
feature a doctoral consortium, called ProDoc at DocEng.

PhD students present their dissertation project and will get
feedback from a panel of senior researchers as well as from the
general audience.

ProDoc at DocEng is intended to provide constructive criticism and help
PhD students in formulating their research question, deciding about
methods and approaches to use, and creating further ideas.  It is a
good place to learn about how to conduct a dissertation project and to
learn about leading edge research, the results of which might be
presented at one of the next Symposia.  Participants of ProDoc at DocEng
register for DocEng 2014 and will thus be able to attend all sessions
of the Symposium.

ProDoc at DocEng will take place during the Symposium.  Each participant
will be allocated 10 minutes for presentation, followed feedback and
questions.  There will be no publication for ProDoc at DocEng.

You are not required to have an accepted paper/poster/demo for DocEng
2014 to be eligible for ProDoc at DocEng.  However, if you are author or
co-author of an accepted submission, we encourage you to present your
dissertation project at ProDoc at DocEng.

For participation, please provide a proposal, briefly outlining your
dissertation topic.  Please also state your affiliation or/and
employer, your main supervisor and your academic background.  See
below for details. 

PhD students accepted for ProDoc at DocEng are eligible to apply for
Student Travel Awards, for details see:


*Submission process*

Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format by 
June 1, 2014, 24:00 CEST, via the easychair conference system:


Submissions must not exceed two pages and must conform to the ACM SIG
Proceedings format

- State the working title and your name and your affiliation or/and
  employer in the header.

- State your main supervisor, your background (i.e., what kind of MA
  or MSc you obtained before, or what you are working on at the
  moment), when you started your PhD studies and when your thesis is
  planned to be completed.  If your institution has certain rules with
  respect to the duration of PhD studies or internal and external
  readers, please add this information.  Please also note if you are
  looking for a second/third supervisor/reader.

- Then, describe your dissertation project including your research
  question, related work, and the current status of your work (i.e.,
  preliminary ideas, proposed approach, and results achieved so far).  

- If you have already published on your topic, give references.

(Skip abstract and categories, and start with information on your
supervisor and personal background instead.)

The language of the consortium is English.  All submissions must be in
English.  Accepted submissions will not be published in the DocEng
2014 proceedings.

*Review process*

All submissions will be reviewed by two members of the ProDoc at DocEng
panel (to be announced).  The main evaluation criteria are: originality,
significance, maturity, and clarity. 

Acceptance for the Doctoral Consortium is competitive in nature and is based on
the evaluation criteria above.

*Doctoral Consortium Chair*

Cerstin Mahlow, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
(cerstin.mahlow at ims.uni-stuttgart.de)

Dr. phil. Cerstin Mahlow

Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
Pfaffenwaldring 5b
70569 Stuttgart

Tel:  +49 711 685-81394
Mail: cerstin.mahlow at ims.uni-stuttgart.de

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