[Corpora-List] Release of BabelNet 2.5 - http://babelnet.org

Roberto Navigli navigli at di.uniroma1.it
Mon May 19 07:41:25 UTC 2014






As an output of the "MultiJEDI" Starting Grant <http://multijedi.org>,
funded by the European Research Council and headed by Prof. Roberto
Navigli, the Linguistic Computing Laboratory <http://lcl.uniroma1.it> of
the Sapienza University of Rome is proud to announce the release of BabelNet

BabelNet is a very large multilingual encyclopedic dictionary and semantic
network created by means of the seamless integration of the largest
multilingual Web encyclopedia - i.e., Wikipedia - with the most popular
computational lexicon of English - i.e., WordNet, and other lexical
resources such as Wiktionary, OmegaWiki, Wikidata, and the Open
Multilingual WordNet. The integration is performed via an automatic linking
algorithm and by filling in lexical gaps with the aid of Machine
Translation. The result is an encyclopedic dictionary that provides Babel
synsets, i.e., concepts and named entities lexicalized in many languages
and connected with large amounts of semantic relations.

Version 2.5 comes with the following features:

* 50 languages covered

* seamless integration of WordNet, Open Multilingual WordNet, Wikipedia,
OmegaWiki, Wikidata (NEW!), Wiktionary (NEW!)

* 9.3M Babel synsets

* 67M Babel senses

* 21.7M textual definitions

* 262M semantic relations

* 7.7M synset-associated images

* 1.1 billion RDF triples!

* Available for download together with Java APIs for programmatic access

* Also available in RDF/Lemon format and via a public SPARQL endpoint

More statistics are available at: http://babelnet.org/stats.jsp

Attend one of our tutorials (and get a free BabelNet t-shirt)!

* Monday, May 26 - ESWC 2014 (Crete, Greece) - BabelNet goes to the
Multilingual Semantic

* Saturday, May 31 - LREC 2014 (Reykjavik, Iceland) - Multilingual Semantic

* Tuesday, August 19 - ECAI 2014 (Prague, Czech Republic) - Multilingual
Semantic Processing with BabelNet <http://www.ecai2014.org/tutorials/>

* Sunday, August 24 - COLING 2014 (Dublin, Ireland) - Multilingual Word
Sense Disambiguation and Entity


Roberto Navigli
Dipartimento di Informatica
Sapienza University of Rome
Viale Regina Elena 295 (second floor)
00161 Roma Italy
Phone: +39 0649255161 - Fax: +39 06 8541842
Home Page: http://wwwusers.di.uniroma1.it/~navigli
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