[Corpora] [Corpora-List] Job: Research Associate in UCL Machine Reading Group

Sebastian Riedel sebastian.riedel at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 21:25:32 UTC 2014

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in
Statistical Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to work with
Dr Sebastian Riedel (UCL Computer Science).

The overarching goal of this project is to develop reading and reasoning
machines that perform tasks which require a deeper understanding of
language, such as question answering, automatic fact checking, and passing
multiple-choice science exams. Towards this end we will develop methods
that integrate scalable and robust matrix/tensor factorization models [1]
(and possibly deeper latent models) with expressive symbolic approaches

The associate will be part of the UCL Machine Reading lab in the Computer
Science department, a rapidly-expanding group located in the Bloomsbury
campus in central London. The lab is affiliated with the Centre for
Computational Statistics and Machine Learning (bringing together CS, the
Gatsby unit and Statistics department). Several close links to relevant
industry in London exists (BBC, Google, Microsoft, Google Deepmind), as
well as to the vibrant academic NLP scene in the South England area.

The ideal candidate will have:


   a PhD in Computer Science or Statistics with a focus in machine learning
   and/or natural language processing,

   presented publications at top NLP/ML conferences (e.g., ACL, NAACL,

   experience with matrix and tensor factorization, graphical models and
   neural networks,


   strong coding skills and

   the ability to work independently and supervise students.

Application Closing Date: 15 Dec 2014

Start Date: January 2015 at the earliest, but there is some flexibility if
the perfect candidate needs to start later if necessary.

Duration: the post is funded for 3 years in the first instance.

For more details, and to apply, please follow this link:


[1] http://www.riedelcastro.org/publications/details/riedel13relation.html

[2] http://www.riedelcastro.org/publications/details/rocktaschel14low.html
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