[Corpora-List] 2nd CFP: TAL journal - Special issue on Distributional Semantics

Cécile Fabre cecile.fabre at univ-tlse2.fr
Mon Jan 5 16:13:12 UTC 2015

TAL journal - Special issue on Distributional Semantics (2nd CFP)

Cécile Fabre (CLLE-ERSS, University of Toulouse)
Alessandro Lenci (CoLing Lab, University of Pisa)

SUBMISSION DEADLINE : February 16, 2015

The use of distributional information extracted from corpora to compute
semantic similarity between words has become a very common method in
NLP. Its popularity is easily explained: it provides access to semantic
content on the basis of an elementary principle, requiring no sources of
knowledge other than corpus-derived information about word distribution
in contexts. In recent years, distributional semantics based on vector
space models has benefited from the availability of massive amounts of
textual data and increased computational power, allowing for the
application of these methods on a large scale.

Today, the field has reached maturity: many experiments have been
carried out on several languages, several survey articles have recently
helped to consolidate the concepts and procedures used for
distributional computations, various distributional models and
evaluation data are now available. Still, many issues remain open to
have a better control on the application of the distributional
methodology in computational semantics and to improve the understanding
of the the types of information that is induced by these methods.

Much research effort has focused on optimization methods to handle
massive corpora and on the adjustment of the many parameters that are
likely to have impact on the quality and nature of semantic relations –
such as similarity measures, types of distributional contexts,
dimensionality reduction techniques, context weighting schemes, etc. A
second important issue relates to the use of distributional semantic
information for a large number of applications (information retrieval,
summarization, textual entailment, etc.). Distributional features have
been incorporated into a wide range of NLP tasks, such as named entity
classification and paraphrasing. They are also used for the construction
of lexical networks that enable the visualization of the semantic
relations that hold between the words of a corpus. Finally, in the last
few years, research has focused on combining distributional
representations with other kinds of semantic representations, and on
modeling semantic compositionality within a distributional framework,
such that not only individual words but also larger phrases can be taken
into account.

We wish that this special issue of the TAL journal on distributional
semantics will reflect the current diversity of the field, regarding
linguistic and computational issues. We welcome papers that focus on any
of the aforementioned topics, and in particular:
- construction of distributional semantic models
- compositionality within a distributional framework
- induction of specific semantic relations
- use of distributional methods within NLP tasks
- optimization techniques for distributional computations
- visualization techniques for word spaces
- role of corpora in distributional semantics models
- “deep learning” and distributional semantics
- integrating distributional and non-distributional semantic information
- evaluation of distributional semantic models

Marianna Apidianaki – LIMSI, Orsay
Marco Baroni – CIMeC, Trento
Ann Bertels -ILT, K.U. Leuven
Romaric Besançon – CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
Yves Bestgen - UCL/CECL, Louvain-La-Neuve
Gemma Boleda - Université Pompeu Fabra, Barcelone
Marie Candito - ALPAGE, Paris
Georgiana Dinu - CIMeC, Trento
Olivier Ferret – CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
Andre Freitas - DERI, National University of Ireland,Galway
Gregory Grefenstette - INRIA, Saclay
Thierry Hamon - LIMSI, Paris
Aurélie Herbelot - Institut für Linguistik, Potsdam
Guillaume Jacquet - European Commission, JRC, Ispra
Olivier Kraif - LIDILEM, Grenoble
Yves Peirsman - Leuven
Laurent Prévot - LPL, Aix-Marseille
Benoît Sagot - ALPAGE, Paris
Magnus Sahlgren - Gavagai, Inc., Suède
Franck Sajous - CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse
Sabine Schulte im Walde - IMS, Stuttgart
Ludovic Tanguy, CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse
Peter Turney - National Research Council Canada, Ottawa
Tim Van de Cruys - IRIT, Toulouse
Lonneke Van der Plas - Institute for NLP, Stuttgart

February  16, 2015: Submission deadline
April 15: First notification to authors
June 1: revised submission
July 9: final notification
September 1: final version
End of 2015: Publishing

Papers must describe original, completed, and unpublished work. Each
submission will be reviewed by two programme committee members.
Papers must be submitted thorugh the Sciencesconf platform:
Accepted papers will be maximum 25 pages long in PDF.
Style sheets are available for download on the Web site of the TAL journal.

Manuscripts may be submitted in English or French.
French-speaking authors are requested to submit their contributions in

TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues / Natural Language Processing)
is an international journal published by ATALA (French Association for
Natural Language Processing, http://www.atala.org) since 1959 with the
support of CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research).


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