CRITICS: connecting

James Robert Martin jmartin at
Tue Jun 13 01:30:23 UTC 1995

Dear critics,

Ruth Wodak was kind anough to give me the address of your list, after her
visit to Australia this June.

I'm a functional linguist with a specialisation in discourse analysis,
evolving out of the work of Halliday and Hasan, and Gleason.  My main
contact with critical theory has been through work on literacy in
education (the spectrum of issues covered in Allan Luke's Falmer series -
Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education), and through work with
critical discourse analysts such as Kress and van Leeuven, and Australian
work developing the transdisciplinary field of social semiotics.
Throughout the 80s the focus of my work was on genre; currently I am more
focussed on interpersonal (axiological) meaning.

I'm not sure how your list is organised, but look forward to dropping in
on your discussions.

Jim Martin
Department of Linguistics
University of Sydney
Sydney NSW 2006

jmartin at

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