CRITICS: globalisation of discursive practices

Thomas Huckin huckin at
Sun Nov 26 17:10:10 UTC 1995

>I would like to see how much interest there is in establishing a network
>around the theme of globalisation of discourse practices.

Count me in.
The globalisation of discourse practices is such a widespread and important
phenomenon today that it would surely be of interest to many scholars
outside our CRITICS/CDA community: people involved in postcolonial theory,
(cross-) cultural studies, macrosociolinguistics, etc. Including such
people in the proposed net could produce some valuable cross-fertilization.
One place to start might be with the list of attendees at this summer's
Theory, Culture & Society conference in Berlin; another might the the
editorial board and/or readership of World Englishes; etc.

Tom Huckin

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